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"Hey Hanuel, ready for lunch?"  my seatmate stands up after the lunch bell rings

"Yeah, come on" I said standing up too

As I was about to get out from my seat, someone bumped my side

I looked at the person who's now staring at me with a cold yet annoyed face

"S-sorry Donghyuk.." I apologize

"Watch it" he said and leaves

I just sigh and takes the books that droped

"That boy really" my seatmate Hina said helping me

When I was about to put it under my desk, I see like a tarot card so I take it

As I see it, there's a writing on it

And that's where it all begins...

niniami13 Thank you for the awesome cover my lovely potato hoe chan!

She really makes some great covers, look up on her profile and see it, I recommend you ⊙﹏⊙

25 Things I Love About You (Haechan FF)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant