Chapter 10: Stupid Jealousy (EDITED)

Start from the beginning

2 more days with Avery...that should be enough

∆ Avery's POV ∆

After waiting for....what i think is 5 long hours, lunch finally rolled around.

Austin's waiting in line to get us lunch. And i saw Kylie behind him and she's just staring at him like he's some man candy or something but she was definitely drooling.

For some reason...i felt jealous.

Oh god, i can't be jelous. No no no no no no no

I tried to make the feeling go away but i just can't! What the hell is happening?!

"Hey Avery" Dylan greeted me with a big smile on his face.

Dylan. Out of all the people...Dylan greeted me.

"Hey Dylan" i smiled back at him

"So Tyler is throwing a party tomorrow...and i was wondering-" he paused and he scratched the back of his neck

"I-if you c-could be my date?" He asks

And mouth gaped open.

Is it real or am i dreaming?

Dylan Andersons is stuttering infront of me. THE Dylan Andersons.

And he's asking be his date.


"What?" I asked and i tried to hold back a laugh. But i failed.

Yeah...i failed to hold back a laugh -_-

And i caught a glimpse of him blushing while i was laughing.

"Can you be my date to Stephan's party tomorrow?" He stared directly into my eyes without stuttering this time.

"Y-yeah sure" i said. Oh great, now I'm the one who's stuttering.

"I'll pick you up at 8 pm tomorrow" he smiled and he walked away.

"What the hell was that??" I asked myself once dylan left.

I turned my head back to Austin. He's still in line. Talking to Kylie.

What??!! Now they're talking?!

I felt another pang in my chest. I'm guessing jealousy is stabbing my poor little heart.

Before i could do something stupid, i got up from my chair and i walked out of the cafeteria to go after Dylan.

Lucky me, i saw him walking down the hallway. Yay!

"Dylan!" I called out for him and he turned around.

He jogs towards me with a smile.

"Hey" he said stopping in front of me.

"Why are you here? Austin's probably looking for you by now" he said with his smile fading and he slowly looks away from me.

"Maybe he wouldn't notice that I'm missing because he's talking to Kylie" i muttered but somehow he heard it.

"You're jealous aren't you?" Dylan smirked.

"No, why would i be jealous? He's just my bestfriend" i stated. Well, i lied.

"If you say so" he winked at me.

Oh come on! What is it with boys and their stupidly cute winks?!

"You should really head back to Austin" dylan suggested pointing at the cafeteria door.

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