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Third Person P.O.V.

The world was pitch black and Ridley could not see anything in front of her at all. She sensed that someone, or something, was stalking her. Hearing a growl coming from behind her, Ridley started running out of fear. Sticking her arms out blindly as she ran she could hear the monster chasing after her.

Suddenly Ridley found herself airborne and then started to fall. She landed heavily into a chair and a light flickered on. Footsteps headed towards her and Ridley tried to move, only to find that she was restrained. A man wearing all black and a bald head came into the light and Ridley recognized him as Zsasz. Fear shot through her when she noticed that he was holding a knife with a blade the length of her hand.

"Hello," Zsasz said approaching her. "Let's play a game shall we?" He moved the knife so that it ran lightly against Ridley's arm. She shivered and tried to shy away. Zsasz laughed.

"Here's how the game works," he said with a twisted smile. "I cut you and if you scream you get another, deeper cut. This will go on until you don't scream at all; ok?"

Ridley tried to twist away from him but failed to loosen her bonds. Zsasz dragged the blade against her arm and Ridley opened her mouth and let out a silent scream.

"Oh dear," Zsasz said with a frown. "I think we need to work on it some more."

He kept cutting her, each cut deeper and deeper, until Ridley blacked out.

Eyes flickering open, Ridley found herself standing outside of Wayne Manor. Flames roared from the building and she could feel the searing heat touch her face. Something flew out of the building and landed at her feet. Ridley flinched away as the thing landed before peering forward to get a look. She recoiled in horror when she realized that it was Richard's burned body.

Ridley frantically looked around for anything that could put the fire out and only found a cell phone lying in the dirt. Picking it up with shaking hands she tried to turn the phone on to no avail. She then wondered what she would have done if it did turn on.

"Ridley!" She heard Bruce yell from behind her.

Ridley turned around, the phone clenched in her hand, to see Bruce running towards her.

"How could you do this!?" Bruce yelled. "After all that Richard, Alfred and I did for you? Why burn down the manor?"


Ridley was confused. She didn't set fire to anything!

"You didn't even call the fire department!" Bruce roared. "And you would've been able to save Richard if you did! You're useless!"

He slapped Ridley, causing her to hit the ground hard. She curled up into a ball and wished that none of this had ever happened.

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