"You can order pizza if you want Y/n, I'm going to pay for it" Your roommate, Lucia, was walking around the three bedroom flat (the third for friends and family) looking for her phone. Lucia was more like a mother than a roommate. She found it and was starting put her heels on. "Now you have some fun, I think there's going to be a visitor for you soon" you scoffed and told her to have a good time. She was thinking about proposing to her girlfriend of three years. And you were expecting to be kicked out soon becuase they want more "privacy" though it wasn't established yet. She finally rushed out the door blowing you a kiss before leaving. You always wanted someone to spend Valentine's with, but no one ever came around. You always wanted to spend it with your best friend of ten years, Dallon Weekes, but you knew he wasn't interested in you like that. You heard Lucia's heels click on the floor along the corridor and heard them stop as she pressed the elevator button. You reached for the remote and turned on "How to lose a guy in 10 days" ofcourse a rom-com, and dialled the number that was dialled far too many times, the dominoes number, and ordered one, large, lonely pizza that you were planning on devouring yourself.
Just as you made yourself comfortable, your phone vibrated before ringing, the ringtone was "love at first sight" your favourite song from when your Dally was in the Brobecks. You left it ringing for ten seconds as a general rule - if someone was desperate enough to call you, they would keep ringing after ten seconds. When you looked at the screen a picture of you, Dallon and his girlfriend, Marla came up. When you saw Marla your heart stung. He had forced you to make his profile pic that picture. In the picture he was in the middle, you were on his left with his arm snaked around your waist, his blue eyes were looking into y/C/e. His other arm was around Marla's bare shoulders, she was looking at Dallon and her hand was on his chest. The picture made you sick, but you didn't have the guts to change it. You answered the phone after ten seconds "Hey" you said, trying to sound happy "Hey" he replied, he sounded like the happiest person on Earth. "I've got your pizza" He said after a pause. "why?" You asked, confused. He was supposed to be with Marla, he had told you each step of his plans for the night. "Open the door and find out" he said, mischief behind his voice.
You put on Some ripped jeans and a red sweater with red fluffy socks. You opened the door and there stood a Dallon, wearing the ridiculous neon orange shirt that had a Rick and Morty cartoon on it you had gotten him for his last birthday. He was also wearing his glasses that made you soon. In his hands was a pizza that you had ordered. He thrust it into your hands "Put this on the table and come back" he said in a hurry. You ran and put it on the coffee table, the movie still on. You slid back on the wooden floorboards with your fluffy socks, eager to see what the hell he was doing here. "Where is Marl-" you started
"It's often told, December's cold-" he cut you of and started singing the song you had written together for Marla, you had celebrated up with over half of the lyrics. He looked up from his ukulele when he said "Valentine" only to find you with your hand over you mouth, the corners of your eyes crinkled from smiling and tears running down your cheeks. It suddenly hit you; he wrote the song not for Marla, but for you.When he finally finished playing the last chord on his uke, he put it on the floor and you were engulfed by his arms. You were making his neon shirt wet. After what felt like 10 days for both you, he pulled away. "What about Marla?" You finally got to ask, but you already knew the answer. "I never loved her, come on y/n. How did you not get it, your supposed to be the brains and the beauty. I've never loved, or will love anyone more than I love you." He said matter-of-factly, holding your face in his hands. He was smiling from your reaction to his confession "You know it was love at first site, you never had to walk by again".
You two had met when you went to a Brobecks concert 10 years before. As there were so few people, you were quick to catch his eye. You were walking around on the road outside of the concert when it had finished and he had ran off stage and on the road to find you as soon as the show finished. When he saw you walk by he grabbed your arm "oh hey, your Dallon right?" You had said, surprised to see your favourite band member trying to talk to you. That's when it had all began.
You both went inside and ate the pizza on the sofa, watching the end of "How to lose a guy in 10 days". You said "I love you too" then becuase you could not talk at all for the last five minutes from shock, after he confessed his love and kissed you for the first time. He smiled with a mouth full of pizza. After you finished eating you fell asleep on the couch together, you in his arms. Head on his chest.
Lucia had put a blanket over the two of you, mascara running down her cheeks, filled with hope that you two would work out unlike her relationship. Her girlfriend had broken up with her. The ring in her bag, she realised, would be for someone else.
Heeeeeyyy. Hope you liked that. I know its not valentine's day yet but I felt like it. - Lily🌼

Dallon Weekes Imagines
FanfictionRead the title. A compilation of Crappy and cheesey things starring Dallon James Weekes, that a fangirl dreams about before she sleeps ~~~