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Chapter 1~ First Day of School

*~*A/N I'm really just trying this story out... This story is true... I have changed the names for my friends protection except Kristin and Peter... They are one of my best friends and my crush. And they are also brother and sister. Peter is in my grade and Kristin in the grade above me. I decided to write this because I need to get out how I feel. Well that just confused me... I'll explain more... Kristin, Peter, and their parents and siblings are moving... again... Kristin being the oldest has moved I think she told me 19 times... And she is only 14 and is a Freshman (9th grade)... I would like to know you lovelies option about is this fair? For their 5 kids to get up and move making new friends every year? Leave me your option in the comment box! Hope you like! Kiss Kiss my loves! MWUAH!*~*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2012 ⏰

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