Chapter 10

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I scrambled off Ross and sat a good distance from him.

Please let her not be his-

"Mom," Ross said,standing.I squeezed my eyes shut for a second."I didn't hear you come in."

The short,blonde woman gave me a pointed look."Maybe because you were so busy."

I shifted uncomfortably at her words but still stood and straightened my clothes."I'm Laura,ma'am."

"My tutor," Ross added.

Ross' mom pursed her lips,and when her gaze travelled from the discarded plates on the floor back to me,she had on a disbelieving look.

"I'm Stormie,nice to meet you," Ross' mom said,not looking like she meant it at all.Nevertheless, I smiled and gestured to her house.

"You have a lovely home,ma'am."

She nodded and smiled slightly.But that was it.The three of us were therefore trapped in awkward silence until Ryland appeared.

"Mom,you're home," he said,suddenly walking into the living room.

I let out a quiet breath when Ross' mom finally looked away from me and focused on Ryland.

"Help me get the groceries from the car,will you?"

"Sure thing,"he replied,then walked out.Ross' mom left too.

"Oh my God,Ross,I don't think your mom likes me.I mean,look at the compromising position she came to meet us in,and these plates!" I told Ross,slapping my forehead."It's a good thing we cleaned up the kitchen."

Ross' eyes widened,and mine widened too.


Ross and I rushed to the kitchen,and I watched in horror at the big mess we had created but failed to notice.

"Ross,care to explain?"Stormie asked,hands on her hips.

"Ryland said he was hungry so I decided to prepare something small," Ross replied.

"Something small?"Stormie repeated in disbelief,looking around the kitchen again."Well clean it up."

Then she stormed out,rubbing her temples.

Ross and I stood unmoving for a moment,until Ryland walked in."Woah."

"Get out before I make you clean up the mess," Ross told him.Ryland didn't have to be told twice.He dropped the groceries and bolted like his butt was on fire."I guess we better get started."

Ross looked at me.I looked at him.Then we burst into laughter.

"Are you done?"

Ross and I turned away from his room door and faced his mother.

"Yeah,the kitchen is spotless," Ross replied with a nod."Laura and I are going to continue studying."

Stormie walked up to her son and raised her hand to brush flour out of it."But you're dirty now."

We had spent almost an hour cleaning up the kitchen.That was only because someone had to start a flour fight.

"I'll wash up when we're done,mom," Ross groaned.

"Okay,but let me warn you.I may pop in with snacks at any moment," Stormie replied,and I immediately sensed the underlying meaning.As for Ross,he just chuckled at her words.

She left us,and Ross walked into his room.I followed after him and closed the door behind me.

"Maybe we should study in the living room.I don't think your mom believes that we're coming to study," I said.

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