Noah Stilinski was standing outside the cell where Haigh was sitting, on the floor, with his back against the wall. The deputy was looking down at his hands with a grim look on his face, trying not to look up at the Sheriff's hard one. Finally, Noah broke the ice.
"Haigh," he said in a controlled tone. He pulled out the copy of the Deadpool he had taken from the man and unfolded it to hold it up. "How did you get this?" Haigh didn't answer. He just kept glaring down. "Did you just find it or did someone give to you? And if someone did, I need to know who." But Haigh kept quiet and the Sheriff started to get impatient. "Your career is over Haigh, nothing is going to change that. But there might be a chance to salvage what's left of your life and I can help do that but only if you tell me what you know, and now." Haigh just kept silent. Noah let out a heated sigh. "Alright. If you prefer to have it that way, then fine. I don't really care either way. You tried to kill Parrish, one of us, for money. And I know that you were planning on trying to kill my son too. Following him and you even confessed it to Parrish before you tried to kill him. Whatever happens to you from here on out is what you deserve. For five million dollars, hope you think it was worth it," he finished unsympathetically.
Noah left the cells and went into his office where he saw Parrish waiting there next to an open box filled with stuff.
"He say anything?" the young deputy asked. The Sheriff shook his head. "To be honest, I wasn't expecting him to."
"Yeah," Noah grunted. "Well, hopefully we won't have to depend on him to." He then walked over to gaze into the box that Parrish left on his desk. "Let's see if we'll find some answers in here. Is this all of his stuff?"
Parrish nodded. "Completely cleaned out his desk. But, shouldn't all this just get sealed up and delivered to IA?"
"Normally, but the last thing we want is for the wrong person to find something that leads them to the Deadpool and have a repeat of this happening."
"Is this how it's going to be now? Us bending rules and going around regulations like this?" Parrish mumbled out.
Noah could see Parrish looked a little bothered by it all. "Yeah, it makes me slightly uncomfortable too. But then I think of my son getting tortured and his friends getting attacked and the ones that did it are still free and can stay that way since technically, there is no evidence of it having happened like marks or scars since they all could heal. After that, it doesn't bother me as much."
Parrish's face fell a bit as they moved to start digging through Haigh's belongings. They start going through them to find anything that links back to the Deadpool or Benefactor.
Parrish pulled out a small pencil box and looked through it with a sour face. "It doesn't look like there's anything here."
"Yeah," Noah said as he pulled out Haigh's wallet and started looking through it. "Well, the chances he would keep something that important in the station was a bit of a longshot." He gazed at the pictures that Haigh had but his fingers felt that one of them was thicker than the rest. He opened it and saw that there was something folded behind one of them. He pulled it out to find that it was a folded strip of paper. He unfolded it and his bottom jaw dropped a bit.
There was then a knock on the door and they turned around and saw Stiles and Lydia standing there. They both looked a little winded and nervous. Noah quickly pocketed what he found.
"Lydia? Stiles?" Parrish said to them as they moved in and Stiles closed the door behind them. "Something happen?"
"Oh, many somethings happened," Stiles told them.
"We cracked the new code," said Lydia.
Noah stiffened. "What was it?"
"Another list of names," she told them. "We need help finding out who they are."

Teen Survivors 💰 S.S.
FanfictionWhenever Stiles brings out his new blue eyes, Scott flinches and looks away. After Allison's death they are starting to drift apart, right when assassins begin coming in droves to cash in on a Deadpool that has all of their names on it. Scott goes o...