"Wow," I said. "How did it get so bad?"

"I don't know," he shrugged. He stopped his chopping, tossing the veggies into the large bowl in front of him. "I know your mom told you about my indiscretion with Elizabeth Masen, Edward's aunt."

"She did," I told him, icily. "Why, Dad? Don't you love Mom?"

"I love your mother very much. It's breaking my heart that I'm losing her," he said, his voice cracking. "I can't lose her and by the grace of God, she forgave me for my poor judgment. There was no excuse for what I did. At the time, I could say that I was lonely. Your mother was here with you guys and I worked in the city. I missed my wife, my family and I wanted to feel."

"Did you love Elizabeth?" I asked.

"It was a different feeling with her," he explained. "She was beautiful, smart, witty and sexy. She made me feel like a man and our affair was passionate. I cared for her, but I didn't love her. It was physical and I thought of her as a friend." He chuckled quietly. "Elizabeth was the one who suggested that I retire early to be with my family. She saw how much I loved you and Jasper; how much I loved your mother. She was just a warm body to share my bed."

"And the fact that she was a cleaning lady?" I pressed.

"I didn't care about that. I should have never cared about that. It's the person, not their money, that makes them who they are," Dad said, scrubbing his face. "Elizabeth was a good person and she lived in a shoebox. Edward is an amazing man and he's been dealt a shit-hand of cards. I want to help him."

"He won't accept help," I said. "An investor? Yes, but not help. Part of it is his pride." Dad's mustache twitched and I recognized his face. It was 'business face'. He was trying to figure out a way to help Edward without having him pay him back. "Dad, it's not worth it. Edward won't accept it. And I don't blame him. His father's suicide and his mother's hospital bills, they have him hemorrhaging money."

"He shouldn't have to pay his mother's hospital bills. It's his mother's debt, not his. Not his father's," Dad said. "I can help him with that and that will be one less stressor in his life."

"But, his dad mortgaged the business in order to have the money for the treatments," I said.

"I'll help, Bella," Dad reiterated. He put down the knife and moved around the island. He pulled me into his arms, squeezing to his chest. I was honestly shocked. My dad was not a demonstrative man. He never hugged or held us. That was Mom's job, but here he was, cradling me close to his body. "I love you, sweetheart. I know I didn't say that often, but I do love you."

"I love you, too, Dad, but it'll take some time for me to forgive you for what you did," I whispered. "With Elizabeth."

"I understand, Bella," he said, releasing me and cupping my cheek. "And I fear that my indiscretion with Elizabeth caused Jasper's hatred toward Edward. She was his aunt."

"Did you help with her treatment? She was sick," I asked.

"I helped her as much as she would allow, but she's a lot like your Edward, proud and stubborn. She worked until she couldn't and when she was unable to work, she just disappeared," Dad sighed. "My card was found on her body and I was called to identify her." He paused. "I called Esme and Carlisle. You and Edward were in fourth grade, I think." Swallowing, he continued. "I paid for her funeral, disguising it as a life insurance payment. It was the least I could do. I had to do it. I gave her the funeral she deserved and a proper burial. It's the same plot where Esme and Carlisle are buried."

I nodded, trying to come to grips with what he'd said. He kissed my temple and went back to cutting the vegetables for the salad. I idly spun a snowman candle on the island. "Go to him. I've got this. Spend time with your mom and your boyfriend."

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