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As the train came to a stop,
Hermione fled from the compartment and to wards the door.
She flung them open and ran towards the carriages,
She got on one and asked the charmed carriage to start moving.
Alas . It stayed put
She was just about to scream in frustration when a familiar face leered at her,
She turned and saw Seamus getting in through the door and slamming it shut.

Panic arose in her as she reached for the door handle, and found it

She shoved the door open and ran, leaving Seamus behind.

She went to the next carriage, and the next, and the next, all full
Except one....
She sighed heavily,as the got into Malfoy and blaises carriage.

This is not my day...
She thought


Draco Malfoy looked Hermione up and down with a face contorted with disgust.

On the train , he just wanted company,and it was surprising to see Granger there .
But then zabini (Blaise) came so he didn't need her anymore

What was she doing here?


"Granger ,what are you doing here? " Draco snarled.

Hermione ,who was sitting in the far corner of the carriage just snorted and ignored him.

She could see the Hogwarts Gate in the distance and over that the Hogwarts motto : Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus, ie. Never tickle a sleeping dragon. That always made her laugh.

As the carriage rattled on she glanced at Draco and wondered if the Hogwarts motto was actually applied in reality.


AN: Draco means dragon in Latin

As I walked into the great hall I saw that most of the tables were packed with 1st years.

I shrugged and went to sit with Ginny who greeted me with a smile

I looked up at McGonagall, who was standing in the Headmaster (or in this case Headmistress) place on the teachers table

"Welcome students", she said as the room fell silent.
"Welcome to a brand new year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead of you , now let the sorting begin"

The sorting took a very long time since the school was closed for a year

In the end the number sorted into Gryffindor: 22
So in total it's 96..wow

Thought Hermione.

"Now let the feast BEGIN" .


The prefects led all the 1st,2nd,3rd and 4th years out of the great hall.

The fifth years were given the freedom to roam the castle since their owls were approaching fast and they wanted to have their

The 6th and 7th years were to stay behind in the great hall because McGonagall had to make an announcement.

"Dear students, I do not wish to put you through this but ..our new minister of magic has introduced a new marriage law that has activate during your 17& 18 years."
There were several uproars and curses.

"Now now, this law has been introduced due to the fact that during the wizarding war several deaths occurred, this has taken a heavy toll on magical blood . There fore, a Muggle born will be paired with a pureblood or 2 half-bloods will be paired together to ensure that the child born will have more than 50% chance of a witch or wizard . The marriage will have to take place within 2 months of school and the bride must be pregnant in 6 months or a year at least. Mrs pomfrey will be giving out special fertility potions . You must take them before your honeymoon. For this school year you will have a separate apartment for you and your spouse. I hope you understand how dire this situation is and follow accordingly. I really am very sorry."

There was a moment of silence and then the whole batch of 6th and 7th years exploded .
There was screaming,and cursing and crying ..

Hermione just stood there slowly coming apart.
She had so many plans , so many dreams, she wanted to travel , to live. To learn

Now she could just hope she would be paired with someone nice.
Even if he didn't love her.

Marriage? No , No Way.(humour & romance)Where stories live. Discover now