
The soft ping of her phone catches her attention and her little sister, in seventh grade, scowls as she watches 'Step Up'. Thalia picks up her phone, eyeing the illuminated screen. When she sees the name that pops up on it, her heart drops and her eyebrows scrunch together. She briefly reads the message before sighing and switching off the phone. She places it back on the desk in front of her where her varsity textbooks rest, opened with finger marks all over the pages from stressful nights of studying.

"Who is it?" Kathrine, her sister, asks from the couch. Thalia shrugs, picking up a pen and chewing on it as she reads her notes.

"Logan," She mumbles, feeling disappointed in herself that she's actually curious as to why he wants to meet up. Kathrine's eyebrows raise in surprise.

"What does he want?" She inquires further. Thalia snorts.

"He wants to meet up," She mutters, writing down an equation on her scrap paper. Kathrine gasps.


Thalia snorts. "Beats me."

"Are you going to go?" Her younger sister continues pestering her. Thalia looks up at her sister in annoyance.

"I'm looking after you."

Kathrine lets out a loud cackle, shaking her head at her sister.
"Oh, c'mon, Thaly. We both know you're using that as an excuse not to see him."

Thalia lets out an annoyed sigh, not only frustrated that her sister is pestering her but rather because she's actually right; she is only using that as an excuse.
"Just drop it, Kat." Thalia scorns and Kathrine holds her hands up in surrender before looking back at the TV. Thalia tries to continue her psychology assignment but can't stop her eyes from drifting to her cellphone. What if Logan has news about Dylan? She shouldn't care about him but she still does. You can't just forget about someone you used to love whether they have a wife or not. A child or not. She purses her lips, trying to control her itching hands.

However, she gives in, grabbing her phone from the desk and standing up. She snatches her car keys and Kathrine smirks smugly at her. Thalia rolls her eyes, throwing her long black hair into a ponytail.

"Don't open the door for anyone." Thalia informs her sister from the front door. "And I swear to the fucking universe, if you invite friends over Kat I will not hesitate to shit on you."
Kathrine laughs, her melodic voice floating around the room. Thalia rolls her eyes, climbing into the car and driving to the café. When she parks her car, she doesn't immediately climb out but rather stares at her steering wheel. She should be at home studying, not talking to Logan Ross willingly.

She sighs, climbing out the car and into the coffee shop. The air conditioning hits her skin in the building and she relishes in the coolness. Miami is too hot for her liking. She spots a head of blonde hair at a corner booth, taking a sip of his coffee. Her throat begins to close up and she has the urge to run back to her car and go home.

Because in all honesty, what is she doing here?

Before she can do that however, Logan turns around and their eyes instantly connect, sending a rush of panic through her body. His blue eyes penetrate through her and she thinks back to all the times he caused her sorrow. Damnit he was an absolute idiot. A fucking prick if you asked her.

However, Logan can't stop himself from admiring how beautiful she is. She still looks exactly the same as she did in high school, only more grown up and mature. She worked hard to get to varsity. In fact, she gave up her feelings and happiness to get there. She had walked in on Dylan and Courtney making out. She had never felt heartache like that before; finding out that the one person she loved was actually cheating on her. She was going to tell him she loved him that day, but he already loved someone else. She remembers running out the house with tears streaming down her face and her heart crushed into a million pieces. Not only was he lying to her the whole time but he was actually messing around with the one girl she despised; Courtney Smith.

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