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No one understands
How important it is to
To hear your own voice
Having others listen

Talk may be overrated
With today's technology
Everything is done
By text
Or social media

But what about
Face to face
Those who can do it
Know naught of what it's like
To be robbed of it

For 2 years
I had limited versions of
Of hearing my own voice

I didn't see people
They didn't see me
I was bedridden
So my only glimpse
Of the world

Was through Facebook
And writing
Now 28 months into recovery
I can talk

I try to use the opportunity at
Every turn
Even if I ramble
Even if I talk too much
I talk to myself too

Why not?
My voice
Is a voice that should be heard
Just like others
When one is ill
They forget they have one

They forget how to
Remember to talk
Please don't let go
Of your talk

Walking Forward to the Beginning (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now