Isaiah smiles at me without showing his teeth, squeezing my shoulder lightly. I brought my hand up to his, and rests mine on top. I appreciated the support that Isaiah has been showing me since the beginning. Although he has annoyed me a couple of times, he didn't deserve the attitude he managed to put up with.

I smiled back at Isaiah, leaning towards him slightly as I innocently rested my head on his shoulder as a small thank you. I pulled away quickly and leaned back against my head. Isaiah removes his arm and pulls out his phone again, doing who knows what.

Landon has stayed quiet the entire time. However, he's been watching the entire time. I felt a little bit guilty, sensing that he probably felt left out from Isaiah and I's little moment. But I brushed it off. Something little like this won't hurt his feelings, he's Landon Carthy after all.

I closed my eyes as I let the breeze attack my neck, sending cold signals down my spine.

After what felt like hours on the roof top, my mouth started to feel dry and my bladder was on the edge of exploding. I pulled off the expensive grey blazer of Isaiah's and set it on the chair, before pulling on my dress and letting it softly flow with the wind.

"Where are you going?" Isaiah asks, looking up at me as he grabs his blazer.

"To the bathroom," I responded.

I noticed from the corner of my eyes, Landon getting ready to stand up as if he was going to escort me to the bathroom.

I smiled at his gesture but held a hand up, "I can go by myself."

Landon willingly sits back down and leans back against his chair, also pulling out his phone.

The two best friend had almost an identical position. Phone resting in their left hand, right hand in their pockets, both legs straight out in front of them and their eyes resting on the phone calmly. The only thing that was different between the two was that Isaiah's hair was gelled back, as for Landon's hair softly dancing along with the wind.

Feeling the awkwardness in the air as I was observing the boys, I snapped out of the trace and made my way towards the door that lead me downstairs towards the main entrance of the party. 

Making my way to the bathroom, I couldn't help but notice how mature this party was. Sure, it was business party but there was hardly any dancing, or loud music bursting. It was more like a get together with hundreds of people at dining tables and classical music. I pressed my lips together as I grabbed the handle of the bathroom.

It was locked.

I released a sigh, feeling my bladder about to explode on this ship ride. I leaned back against the wall in front of the bathroom, staring at the door and waiting for it to open.

Without having the intention to, I closed my eyes feeling the cruise bouncing up and down lightly from the motion of the waves.

"Hello again," a voice spoke up.

I opened my eyes slowly seeing Landon's older brother smiling at me with a soft grin as he offers a hand towards me.

"Hi," I simply responded, grabbing his hand.

I expected a handshake from the guy, instead he brought my hand towards his lips, planting a soft kiss on it. He stands back up straight again and pulls out the wine glass that he's been hiding in his other hand during the mini greeting.

"My brother mentioned about you once," Aiden says, looking at me with the green eyes that he may have inherited from his mother. Unlike Landon's blue eyes, Aiden's vision showed a lot more kindness and happiness.

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