Chapter 13; Christmas in Wakanda

Start from the beginning

"I do Mama Bear, I do". I choked out as I wiped the tears away and smiled happily.

"Also I wanted to tell you that even though we are worlds apart, I still love you and that I am always thinking and dreaming of you, my sestra. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and know that I am always with you in your heart, until we meet again". She then pressed her hand to her lips kissing it before reaching out to touch the screen.

I held out my hand and placed it over hers and the two of us stared at each other with tears in our eyes as Wanda said a final farewell before the screen turned black.

I sniffled and wiped away my tears as I took out the DVD and put it back in its case before holding it close to my heart as more tears kept spilling out. I had a feeling that Steve must've been behind it and I couldn't thank him enough for allowing me to see my sister after so long.

"Thank you Mama Bear, I love you too". I then placed the DVD in a special drawer in my dresser. The one place I knew where to find it and the one place I knew it would be kept safe.

Once it was put away, I took a few deep breaths and wiped my tears away with some tissues, I was finally calm and went back to finish decorating my room.

When my room was finally finished, I smiled and then left to go to the lab where I pulled out my secret project. As I was screwing in some parts, I then heard Bucky's voice call out for me.

"Shit" I muttered as I quickly put the project under a box and pulled out my blueprints of a new armor set that I've been working on.

"There you are I've been calling you for the past five minutes". Bucky's voice said as he got closer.

"Sorry Bucky-bear I guess I was just lost in my work here". I then felt him come over me looking down at the blueprints and he said.

"What's this?"

"Well if I'm gonna protect you and the rest of Wakanda then I need to protect myself better, make me more menacing while I'm in my wolf form but also adjust whenever I need to be human. These are just the blueprints I've been working on with Shuri". Bucky looked at the blueprints to see wolf armor that could fit over my wolf form then a scale drawing of me with the armor on in human form that was slightly different to the wolf armor.

"This looks fucking awesome".


"Yeah, look at my little Wolfie becoming a strong little warrior" Bucky cooed as he brought me close to him and playfully noogied my head.

"Gah! Bucky-bear stop!" I then freed myself from him as the two of us laughed.

"You two better not be roughhousing in my lab" Shuri's voice stated firmly.

"Sorry Shuri" we both stated.

"So, you're working on the armor without me Raksha?"

"I only wanted to see the blueprints again to make sure I want it exactly as I envisioned it you know I'd never start fully working on it without you. Plus you're the only person who knows how to work with Vibranium".

"Damn right I am now that I've got some free time, why don't we get to work on it?"

"Sounds good with me, so Bucky if you don't mind...."

"I know when I'm not needed, I'll just be out in the training grounds maybe challenge Morowa to a rematch".

"Please Bucky-bear she easily kicks your ass every single time". I mocked him.

"Way to hurt my pride Wolfie" we both smiled at each other then he brought me into a one-armed hug before kissing the top of my head before finally leaving the lab. As soon as he was gone, I took a groan of relief and said.

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