Dally and Sylvia

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"Yea sure kid" he sarcastically said.

"What? It's true" I stated. He didn't say anything else after that.

"Hey Cyndy, can you wake Ponyboy up?" Darry asked.

"Sure" I replied. I stood up and walked into our room. Pony was sound asleep. I quietly crawled on the bed and went upto his ear. "Wake up Pony" I said outloud. He jumped, and rolled towards me. He knocked me down and we both rolled off the bed. We landed side by side. "Ow" I calmy said. He turned to me and began laughing, which made me laugh. Sodapop bursted through the door to find us on the floor. He looked at us as if we were crazy.

"What are ya'll doin?"he asked.

"Waking up" Pony replied. He shook his head, but smiled. I sat up and looked up at him.

"C'mon it's time for breakfast" Sodapop informed us. Ponyboy got up and walked out of the room. I just sat there and looked at Soda. "Well, what are you waiting for?" he asked. I held my arms out.

"Carry me?" I asked as if I was a little girl. He cocked an eyebrow. I gave him a smiled, and he chuckled. He picked my up and then turned around. I jumped on his back and he gave me a piggy back ride all the way to the dining room. Then, he set me down and I sat down. Soda sat next to me. "Am I heavy?" I wondered. He shook his head.

"Light as a feather" he stated. I chuckled, I know I am kinda heavy.

"Working with us at the DX today?" Steve asked with a mouth full of food.

"You knnow it" I responded, taking a sip of my pepsi. I dug into my eggs and ham, then I wasn't able to finish my piece of chocolete cake. I looked aver at Steve, who had chocolete all around his mouth. I laughed a bit, then got up and went to the restroom. I washed my face and then headed out. I sat down on the steps in the front of the house. It was a fresh day today. Not too cold though. I barely realized that Dally wasn't here. I wonder where he could be, I just hope he isn't breaking the laws or is in trouble with the fuzz.

"Time to go kid" Steve said, coming up behind me and slightly hitting me in the head. I stood up and followed the guys to the ford. Sodapop was driving today. I sat in the back while all three guys sat in the front. Once we got there, I changed into my work clothes and sat at the cash register. The garage is quite small compared to the ones back in my time. I picked up a magazine and began reading it. Out of nowhere, Sodapop came and snatched it from my hands. 

"Hey" I whined. He smiled at me. "I could of gotten a papercut" I said.

"Foccus today" he responded. I playfuly rolled my eyes. He leaned on the counter.

Have you seen Dally?" I asked.

"Nope, why?" he wondered.

"Cause he didn't come over this morning" I replied.

"Don't expect him to come everyday" he said.

"You're right, I'll probably see him later on" I responded.

"Okay, now get ready to greet your customers" he said. I nodded and he went out to the garage. It was a good day, not too many people came here. It was 2 in the afternon now, and I was a little tired. I looked down at the magazine that was on my lap, since I didn't see anybody coming. Suddenly, the door opened. I looked up and saw Sylvia in Dally's arms. I felt my heart tear in two. They were laughing about something and didn't notice me. I kept my face in the magazine, I didn't want to look up. I place the magazine on the counter and just looked at it.

"How may I help you?" I asked nicely. I felt both of them turn to look at me.

"I need the brakes to be fixed" Sylvia responded. I stood up and walked into the garage, not looking at them at all. I spotted Sodapop and pulled him aside.

"What's wrong?" he asked, noticing the look on my face.

"They need the brakes to be fixed" I said, pointing to the store. He walked inside, and I was right behind him. He talked to Sylvia and she followed him to the garage. Dally stayed in the store and sat down on one of the chairs. I got my ipod out, plugged in my earphones, and began listening to music. Another customer walked in. It was Micheal! Once he saw me, he smiled.

"Hey Cyndy" he greeted. I took off my earphones and smiled.

"Hey Micheal" I responded.

"Came by to just visit you" he said.

"Aww that's sweet" I replied.

"So how's it going?" he asked.

"Good, I'm not as tired" I responded. I had my hands on the counter, and he was moving his hands closer to mine. I wasn't trying to make Dally mad or anything, but I knew he was furious.

"Listen, I was wondering if you would like to go to the movies with me tonight?" he asked. I felt myself start blushing. I know he's helping Paul and everything, but I'm just being nice.

"I can't. I have to make dinner tonight" I explained. He gently cressed my hair.

"You sure?" he asked.

"Yea, but thanks for the offer" I responded. He was leaning closer and closer. I wanted to move away, but at the same time, I didn't. He's ganna kiss me, I just know it. From the corner of my eye, I saw Dally. He looked anry. We were inches away, when I backed away, and slapped him. Micheal fell to the floor, and looked at me. He was shocked. 

"Remeber this, I ain't the girl you can just use okay" I snapped. He just stared at me. "Well leave dumbass" I added. He stood up and stomped out of the store. I turned around, and Dally was standing there. He looked at me and smiled.

"Nice one Cyndy" he said.

"Yea, I guess" I responded.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing" I replied. He was about to hugg me, but I ran into the garage.

"Are ya'll done?" I asked.

"Yea, barely" Steve responded. Sylvia called Dally and they left. I went back inside  and took on the rest of the day. Once it was time to leave, I changed out of my uniform and went outside to wait for the guys. Sodapop was the first to come out.

"Are you alright Cyndy?" he asked. I hugged him tightly.

"He's back with her, after all she did to me" I cried. He patted my head softlly.

"It's okay" he said, trying to cheer me up. He pulled away and looked into my eyes. "He's a player okay, don't forget that. But it's stupid of him to be dating her again" he said. I nodded. "Let's go home kid" he added. When Steve came out, we all walked to the Curtis house. Once we got there, we went inside. Dally was in the living room, so I quickly ran into my room. I closed  the door behind me. I changed my clothes then walked back out. I began preparing dinner. Today, I was ganna make fried chicken. When I was done, I noticed Ponyboy and Sodapop walked into mine and  Pony's room. Steve walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, you done making dinner?" he asked.

"Yea, why?" I wondered. Out of nowhere, he picks me up and takes me to my room. He closes the door behind him. Soda and Pony aren't here anymore, but Dally is.

"Why are you mad at me?" he asked. I didn't say anything, I just sat down on the bed, crossed my legs, and waited for the guys to open the door. I have a good reason to be mad at him right? 

"Cyndy, why are you wad at me?" he repeated. I gave him a cold stare then turned around. I expected him to give up now, but he didn't. He walked infront of me. "Hello, I'm talking to you" he said. Suddenly, he pinned me to the bed.

"What the hell, are you ganna rape me or what?" I coldly asked.

"Tell me why you're mad at me" he demanded.

"I don't need to" I replied. He was ontop of me, and it was making me a bit nervous.

"You have no reason to be pissed" he said.

"Acually, yes I do" I responded.

"Then what is it?" he asked.

"I don't need to tell you" I stated. 

The outsiders (My story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon