what did i do wrong?

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I look up at him. I can honestly say these guys do scare me. I gave jacob a look then walked away. But not before I said something to this douche.

"At least I don't go after someone who will never love me and doesn't want to be with ou because they have something much better." I then walked away.

I was not far maybe a car away when I felt weight on me. I fall to the floor and then turned over. I look up and see a very angry jacob. I felt the blood pounding in my. ears and my heart racing. Jacob raises his fist and punches me in the face five times. He was about to do it a sixth time but a hand stops him. I haf blood running down my face and black spots cloude my vision. I can yelling and my name being called. I felt someone pick me up and run. I was in and out of conciousness. Then I completly blacked out.

I gasp as I bolt upright. I look around and know I was not at my house. I start to have a panic attack.

" sam she's awake." Someone yells from the corner of the room.

" Hi. My name is emily. I'm sorry for what jacob did to you. I cleaned your face of blood and put you in one of my shirts I hope you dont mind." Emily says .

"That's fine thank you. "I tell her as sam walks into the room.

"Nice seeing you Sesy . Under the conditioms. Now I know what Jacob did is not right and I was also wondering if you are okay?" Sam askes.

"I'm fine sam. Just a little scared that's all."I whisper.

"No need to be scared sesy. Your save here." Emily said.

"I know . What did I do wrong to make jacob do that?" I again whisperd.

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