Random Interesting Facts

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Salaam guys, so just to give you an insight on some random facts that went on throughout the story, and to give you an insight on how I came up with things, I made this like I did with my other stories. Hope you enjoy!

- Miracle was a name I got from Catfish the TV show (weird, I know, but its my fave TV show). I never knew people were called Miracle, so I thought that would be cool.

- Her name was going to be really Miracle at first, but decided against it. 

- She was actually not going to be muslim, and become muslim thanks to Iyaz, but that would've been hard to write so I didn't do it. She was actually going to be American.

- I first was going to make her fall in love with her abductor, just so people could see how the mindset of those people really work, yet I couldn't do it. It would've been too cliche and unrealistic.

- Iyaz has that name for a meaning. It is actually spelled like Ijaz, but I liked Iyaz more. Ijaz means 'Miracle' in Urdu. His name was first going to have the meaning 'light' (Anwar).

- Aiya means Miracle in Arabic. I first thought that, because she was American, that Iyaz would give her this name, but then changed my mind.

- The letter she wrote Iyaz in the last chapter, was recorded on my phone. I got that random idea and spoke the whole letter into my phone. If you listen to it, it really feels real lol. I made that voice memo almost a year ago. Wish I could add it here so you could listen to it and see the difference.

- From the beginning, this book would always have a bad ending. I told myself that one thing I wouldn't change is that the ending would be bad. It was meant to have a bad ending. 

- First, it was going to be her dying and I wanted to write her suicide scene too, but I didn't want to give the wrong impression that that could be an inspiration, since its haraam, so I changed it into her disappearing. I don't even know if she died or not.

- I didn't want her to remember things so easily, but I knew I couldn't make the book too long. It wasn't attainable for me in my life.

- Her being brainwashed into not remembering is based of Genie, the wild child. Read her life, please. It's also what my major is in and I always wanted to do some research about this.

- I added that she was injected with drugs to forget at the last minute, since I wanted her to forget things because of brainwashing. I wanted to show how real and dangerous it is, even with small things. We could feel insecure when someone calls us ugly and really believe in it while we're not. That's brainwashing too.

- The man who kidnapped her was first going to be someone random, but then decided against it to make it someone she knew.

- I wanted to write more of her torture but just couldn't do it.

- The name of the speech therapist Sandra is based of my real teacher. She is crazy about these researched and stuff. I am scared of her, so I mentioned her in the story lol.

- Her family was always blurry, even to me. Sometimes I wanted to make them rich, sometimes poor. I couldn't decide on it and even to this day, I still can't.

- Some memories she had with her family were straight out of my childhood.

- Her dad being out of the picture was not intentional. I got that idea just then.

- Iyaz finding another love was not the first idea, it came very late. Very, very late.

- His daugther was actually going to be called 'Beau', but my heart couldn't do it.

- I read the poetry of Beau Taplin somewhere on Google, saved it from the very early beginning and was dying to write it in. When Iyaz called her Beau for the first time, I had that idea for months to do. 

- This was the hardest story ever to write.

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