Someone like Kate

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Micah walked into Beaver's Market, realizing he would rather spend his money there than at the larger grocery store. It worked out better sometimes, though he couldn't entirely avoid going somewhere else when he wanted something they didn't carry. He could spot Jason squatting in an aisle working on repairing shelf Micah had noticed the other night.

They were offering him three nights a week—one when the load came in, and then two nights during the week when Greg was off. That's when Micah would take his turn restocking and doing some of the cleaning. He thought he had made it through unnoticed, but Jason had magically appeared at the checkout counter as Micah prepared to leave. For such a big guy, he managed to move rather soundlessly.

"Thought I saw you lurking around here," Jason grinned playfully. "Just can't get enough of this place, can ya?"

Micah had been prepared for some sort of snide comment, but was instead taken aback when he caught on Jason was actually making a joke. Micah laughed awkwardly. "Getting a peek at what I'm walking into tonight. If you want me to fix anything up on the shelves, let me know. I saw the plumbers crack going on, I might have an easier time of it tonight."

Jason's face flushed with embarrassment, but he laughed at the same time. Micah set his basket up on the counter, ready to pay and head home so he could take a nap before coming in for the night. Jason rang everything up, giving him a mild employee discount in the process. It probably didn't really save Micah any money by comparison—the larger grocery store offered slightly cheaper prices, so he hoped it equaled out.

"You got a minute to talk too?" Jason asked. "It ain't nothing bad, I just want to run something by you."

At least he had mentioned it wasn't anything to worry about, because that was Micah's first gut reaction. Part of him still dreaded it but he tried to keep himself under control about it. "Uh, sure."

Jason poked around the store quickly, making sure there wasn't anything to worry about before sliding into a small room that he called an office. He didn't even bother to sit behind the desk, and Micah left the door cracked open behind them.

"I just wanted to be the one to tell you there was someone in here trying to talk shit about you yesterday," Jason said proudly. "But I ain't havin' none of it from some outsider commie."

It took Micah a moment to unravel what Jason was saying, along with his use of bad grammar and calling someone a commie. "A Russian guy?"

"Yeah. He was poking his nose where it doesn't belong. Came in here saying you were some kid-snatcher." Jason gave him a dubious look. "I think he was trying to get me to fire you or some shit. I don't know what's going on and I ain't believing a lick of what he says, but I have to ask, you in any sort of trouble I need to be lookin' out for?"

Micah swore under his breath. "No, he's the only trouble. He's some rich cock out of New York... you probably know I'm adopted, but I have a half-brother by my biological mom. That's his dad. His... abusive dad. So Jeff is trying to help me get custody of my half-brother."

Jason nodded, glaring down at the floor. "I knew that guy was a fucker. Do you need more hours?"

Micah drew back in surprise. "More hours for what?"

"Work. Money. For the kid," Jason laid it out like it was that simple.

"I mean anything helps, but I feel like the store is pretty dead. Can you really offer me that?" Micah pointed out.

Jason huffed. "You let me worry about it over all. It's my business. I got some re-branding stuff in mind, try to give us a different image to compete with that chain. They may be cheaper but we're local. I can bring you on for some extra handy work as it comes. Greg wants nothing to do with it."

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