Chapter Twelve

Depuis le début

"That does not sound like meditating, Lynn chan!" At the words she gave another sound of disgust but fell silent. Her father gave me another sly look before shaking the bottle. "Another one?" He looked excited and I glanced towards where Lynn had gone, the burn of the alcohol was slowly seeping to a warmth. I gave a nod and held out the small cup towards him. He pressed his finger to his mouth and shushed me as he poured me a glass before pouring himself some.

I matched him when he took his drink and he chuckled before holding out the bottle. I let him pour me another one and we took another drink. The burn wasn't nearly as bad as it had been at first and I was actually enjoying myself. Her mother came in and set down a tray with a ceramic tea pot and some cups before she snagged the bottle from his hand. "No. Drink some tea." She gave us a warning look as she pointed at us both. She left the room and Lynn's father chuckled.

"Such controlling women we have." He winked at me, chuckling heartily to himself before he turned the tea pot and poured two cups. He held one out to me with two hands and I took it with a thank you and a nod. The small cup was warm and didn't have a handle. It was strange for me but I pushed it all away, watching him carefully as he used both hands to bring the cup up to his mouth to take a drink. I mimicked him, wanting to do it properly.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, slowly sipping at the tea before he set his cup down and leaned backwards. He spoke rapidly in that different language and there was a returning sentence from his wife before he looked back at me. "Let's get you to my Reiki room." He gracefully stood up from his position and I struggled to get to my feet. My leg started its slow ache and I winced as I slowly limped after him. We weren't walking for long before he opened a door and gestured for me to enter.

The space had a calming energy to it and relaxing music was playing. I spotted Lynn sitting with her legs crossed on the far side of the room and I relaxed at her presence. It had been like an unbearable itch not being allowed to see her. I didn't want to be separated from her, it made my wolf agitated and me anxious. We were afraid that if she was out of our sight, she would disappear or something terrible would happen to her. There was an inherent need within us both to make sure she was safe and protected at all times.

It was why we were starting to slowly get agitated that we didn't have a place we could take here where she would be safe. We couldn't stay with the pack, Lynn made it perfectly clear that she wasn't going to stay there. There was a part of me that wanted to ignore her disagreements and take her back anyway but a bigger part of me didn't want to force her into that situation. Her comfort mattered to me more than anything at the moment because I felt our bond was tentative and fragile and I didn't want to do anything that would ruin our small start.

"Up onto the table." Her father patted the strange looking table that stood almost as the focal point to the room. I moved over and winced as I got onto the table. I looked at him from my position on the edge and he shook his head. "Lay down, my boy." He moved around the table, grasping my shoulders and guiding me to lay down. I felt very vulnerable and uncomfortable as he moved around me.

Lynn said something rapidly in that language she had been using before and her father responded in a chiding tone as he waved his hand over his shoulder. "Just relax, Bastian chan. Close your eyes." It was difficult for me to do as he requested but I forced myself to do it despite my instincts tearing at me about letting myself be vulnerable. "It will feel strange to you but just let it be." I could feel his hands pass over my face and my shoulders. He wasn't touching me but I could feel the energy pulsating against me and I wanted to move away and I tensed up, trying hard to force myself to stay put but it was growing harder with each passing moment.

"Change your tactic, papa, he wants to bolt." Lynn's voice was inherently calming to me, it allowed my muscles to relax as long as her voice rolled over me as it did.

Moon Bound (Forgotten Series, #5)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant