Christmas With Seventeen - Seokmin

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"I'm not five, you know," you grunted.

Seokmin gave you his dazzling smile and plopped a beanie on your head, tugging it down to cover your ears. "But you'll get cold without the right clothes!"

You gave him a long, deadpan look, then looked down at the coat, sweaters, two scarves, and gloves he had bundled you up in. "Trust me, Seokmin, I will not get cold."

"Well now you won't since you're all bundled up," Seokmin declared cheerfully, wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you several inches off the ground.

You laughed as he turned both of you back and forth several times, squeezing your waist. "Okay, okay, I give, I'll wear all of this!"

Seokmin grinned at you and stretched up to kiss your nose. "Okay, now let's go!"

He set you down and opened the door, only for his face to fall dramatically at the sight of the ground outside.

You peeked over his shoulder, raising your eyebrows at the absurdly thick layer of snow outside.

"That's a lot of snow," you remarked. "I'd say... two, three feet?"

Seokmin sighed, easing the door closed. "I guess we're not going out, then," he murmured, going to take his scarf off.

You put your hands over his. "Ah no, Lee Seokmin, you don't get to be sad. Come on — best snow fort contest, loser buys pizza."

"How do we tell who wins?" Seokmin asked as you tugged him outside, giggling like a child.

You halted, furrowing your brow in thought. "We'll video call Soonyoung and have him judge," you decided. "Okay one two three GO!"

You dropped his hand and made a run for one end of the yard.

As you worked on constructing a proper barricade, Seokmin whooped loudly behind you.

"Think fast!" he shouted, and something hit your back.

You stood up, giving him a mock glare. "Oh, it is on, Dokyeom."

The expression of horror on his face was comical as you started scooping snow into your hands.

Before long, your fort-building contest had devolved into an all-out snow-flinging war, pitching as much snow at each other as you could through your tears of laughter at each other's respective faces.

Seokmin wiped snow off his face with a wild grin and ducked behind his partially-formed fort wall, leaping out a few seconds later with a snowball the size of your head in his hand and running toward you at top speed.

You two went down in a tangle of limbs, his loosely packed snow asteroid smashed into your face and both of you screaming.

Seokmin pushed himself up, still grinning like a lunatic, and pushed your beanie up away from your eyes. "Hey... guess what," he murmured, and went back down, gently brushing his lips against your forehead. "I love you so much for doing this with me — and for so many other reasons."


I'll try and get the next part up soon so I can be back on schedule!!!!

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