"It would be an honor to taste your treats, Akiko-san."



Third Person

"Good afternoon, young master." A maid greeted, bowing after she opened the door. "Good afternoon to you as well, Kuroko-sama."

"Good afternoon..." Kuroko replied, a soft smile on his face whilst Seiji just nodded at her.

"Follow me, Tetsuya."


The teens made their way up to the stairs, and Kuroko couldn't help but look around at the Akashi mansion.

"Hm? Does our place amaze you, Tetsuya?" Seiji purred as he wrapped his arms around Kuroko's waist.

Kuroko let out a surprised yelp but nodded, a light blush on his cheeks.

"Uh, yeah. But I can't help but notice that it has a dark theme."

"It reflects our personality, I guess." Seiji chuckled lowly.

"Huh, so you do occult things..." Kuroko mumbled, emitting a howl of laughter from Seiji.

"My my Tetsuya, just because I'm insane, it doesn't mean that I actually deal with the devil." Seiji laughed.

"But it kinda looks like you do." Kuroko mumbled, looking away.

Seiji's eyes glowed maniacally in a split second before it went away as he looked at his lover in amusement.

"Would you rather I'd be into summoning demons and all?" he asked.

Blue eyes widened in horror as Kuroko looked at Seiji, and Kuroko quickly shook his head in fear.

"If that means sacrificing me, then no."

"Tetsuya~ I can just eat you up by how adorable you're being." Seiji cooed as he pressed a soft kiss on Kuroko's cheek.

"You might be a cannibal as well. God, I need to be cautious around you." Kuroko teased.

"Better not drop your guard then." Seiji deviously smiled. "I can just eat you up, but nii-san wouldn't be happy with that."

"Right," Kuroko chuckled.

They both stopped in front of the door and Seiji energetically opened the door.

"We're here!"

"I can see that," Kuroko laughed as he followed after Seiji inside.

"Nii-san! I have brought our angel home~" Seiji sang as he bounced around the room.

"I'll be there in a second." A voice came from the bathroom.


Seiji grinned and pulled Kuroko towards the bed.

The Other Self | Akakuroaka ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang