Midoria's Heart 13 - The Ball

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Hey people! Here is chapter 13, the longest one that I have written yet!!

Just as a warning, for all of my readers who are guys (though I don't know how many of you there are =P) this chapter is the ball, and so of course I had to go into some description about that. So there are some, for lack of a better word, "girly" parts here. Luckily for you, there are also some very not girly parts later on in the chapter. Not saying any more than that though =P

This chapter is dedicated to my awesome little buddy AzyFish, because I don't know if any of you have noticed, but my story now has a description for it, which she helped me to write. Thanks bud!!! ♥

Anyway, please enjoy chapter 13!

Don't forget to vote and comment when you're done!!


Chapter 13 - The Ball

The morning of my eighteenth birthday dawned bright and clear. The rising sun shone brightly, painting the sky a bloody red. I got up and walked to my balcony, resting on the handrail and looking out at the beauty of my kingdom. Somehow, on this still morning it seemed harder to appreciate. My mind was caught up in a snarl of thoughts, worries... of fears.

A strange sense of foreboding had settled on me, and I found it hard to shake off. I'd had no dreams last night. No mysterious spirit, no terrifying darkness; not even Jay's presence penetrated the peacefulness of my sleep. And yet, I was uneasy. The lack of dreams felt not like a peaceful break from the madness that had so recently consumed my life; no, it felt to me like that eerie moment of calm before a coming storm. The whole world seemed to be holding its breath; waiting for something. I did not want to find out what that something was.

The soft padding of Evreth's paws stirred me from my thoughts. Her warm body pressed gently against mine, in a way that was comforting and familiar. I felt her thoughts connect with mine, and she immediately picked up on my worries.

"What is it about this morning that you fear?" I stared blankly at the landscape surrounding us for a moment.

"That's the problem... I don't know," I replied, "A nameless fear, a growing presence of evil and Darkness. Something just seems... wrong today." She looked at me; her eyes knowing.

"I feel it too." So I wasn't going crazy. For some reason this knowledge did not come as a relief. The fact that Evreth too felt this foreboding only made the feeling stronger, more real to me. I was about to ask Evreth what she thought it meant when all of a sudden I was hit from behind by something very forceful, not to mention strong.

"Adelle! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Lisimi shouted in my ear, all the while hugging me exuberantly.

"Ugh... Thanks Lis, but could you let go? You're killing me here!" I replied, struggling for breath. Who knew this girl was so strong?!

"Oh, sorry!" She let go, beaming at me while I was gasping for breath.

"Anyway, do you have any idea what time it is? We need to start getting ready! After all, there is so much setting up left to do, not to mention you should eat something, after all it's going to be a long day and you need to keep your strength up. And then we need to get ready for the ball, and you have to look absolutely PERFECT, which is going to take at least three hours to do, and then-"

"Slow down Lis! Can I at least get dressed first?" She paused, took a breath and looked me over.

"That's allowable. But hurry!!"


I spent the next several hours feeling like a worker bee in a hive. Lis and I were constantly moving about the castle, occasionally giving people orders and correcting things that they had done wrong. Even I had to admit, everything was starting to look pretty amazing. The Great Hall, where the actual ball would be held, was looking especially amazing. The once slightly dusty space now resembled something straight out of my book of fairytales from Earth; crystal chandeliers with thousands of lights hung from the ceiling, making everything in the room sparkle. The hard-wood floor had been polished; there were tables, fountains and ice sculptures everywhere. It was amazingly beautiful, and I found myself almost looking forward to the ball.

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