The Knight

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Luke said that Kylo had taken a few of his students with him, which we're all assume to be the Knights of Ren. Can you write something on Ben Solo's thoughts as he was bringing destruction to the Temple and how he was choosing those who came with him, with the reader being included as one of those lucky survivors. Ps. You're amazing omg I love you + You know what would be amazing to see? Seeing the creation of an actual force bond that's not just a manipulation. Supreme Leader Ren and his special knight, (Y/N). That would be fun to see!


An unbearable shift in the Force had woken you up from your slumber. It wasn't the greatest sleep you had, for some strange reason, you were afraid to sleep that night.

Something in the Force had warned you... had pulled at you, but you couldn't tell as to what. It left an uneasy feeling in your chest the entirety of the time you lied in bed until you had fallen asleep.

But then you woke up, and the feeling was there again. But worse.

Taking in deep breaths, you woke up in a sweat, eyes searching your room as if to find any disturbance in the Force... yet, you found nothing.

Swallowing through a dry throat, you took in a deep breath as you sat up. Something wasn't right. But what was it?

Lying on his side, eyes shut with a steady pace of his breathing, Ben could sense his own uncle creep up on him from behind. He could feel his intentions. He wanted to kill him.

Snoke was right. Ben thought.

Clutching onto his lightsaber, Luke's jaw tightened. He couldn't do it. How could he kill his own nephew?

But there was so much darkness in him... so much evil.

Reaching over for his lightsaber, Ben quickly activated it as he turned. With a swift movement, his free hand reached out and instantly clenched.

He was going in for the kill.

This was just the beginning he was going to end the Jedi once and for all. Something his grandfather couldn't do.

Hearing the sound of walls crumbling, distant screams and and fire crackling, you looked out the window. With wide eyes, you watched as a fire began to burn the temple. Then, your attention was caught by the sound of lightsabers clashing. You knew something was wrong.

Instantly standing from your bed, you reached out for you lightsaber as it flew into your hand. Not even bothering to pull on a robe, you rushed out of the room and into the halls. The lights were flickering and a sense of distress and terror was heavy on your shoulders.

Focusing on the Force, you quickened your pace. It had to be stopped. You had to do something. You couldn't let them get away with it.

Sprinting out of the temple and into the frigid atmosphere, the smell of fire burning filled your nose. The heat from it was patting against your skin, instantly bringing sweat to your forehead.

Searching the area, your eyes instantly landed on a pair of lightsabers clashing against one another—a blue one and a green one. Ben and... one of your fellow Jedi. They were neck at neck, and you could easily tell who had the upper hand.

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