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  Today was a tough day I felt like I was being followed around the whole time

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Today was a tough day I felt like I was being followed around the whole time. If they wanted me dead, I would've been dead, but for now I'll do what makes me happy.
I start my car and smile at the purr of the engine. Tonight will be a good night, I promised myself it would be.

My phone buzzes in the cup holder but the flag girl already ross the flags and I was ready to race. The second the flags drops and the gun was shot, my gas pedal was pushed and my gears shifted. My eyes wide and filled with excitement as I see my competitor, the flag girl Madison's boyfriend. Madison swore I wasn't the best racer here in Miami but, as I push a good couple meters in front of him I seem to be proving him wrong.

I felt off but I was winning so why do I feel bad? Why is there a sudden bad feeling in my stomach? My phone continues to buzz as I begin to see headlights in the distance.
The darkness around the two yellow glowing lights, facing me. I knew what to do, I could go around them, im street racing after all. But it felt wrong, at the speed I was going I would flip.
I slowly press the breaks until I had to slam on them, my bumper merely scrapping the car in front of me. I put my car in park and scramble to get out, as the car in front of me does the same.
Im met with a guy, holding his wallet open while walking towards me.
"CIA, are you Lauren Rose?" A cold and almost robotic voice speaks. The street light shows his face, his eyes filled with seriousness.
"I'm Mitch Rapp. Im here to collect you." He closes the wallets and steps forward as I step back.
"Collect me?" I question as I look around, my competitor driving passed probably not noticing that I stopped.
"You're not in trouble Ms.Rose, we need your help." His arms cross, making the gun on his belt appear more.
"Cooperate and no force will be used." He continues.
"This sounds like I'm in trouble Rapp." I confined to step back as he follows, stepping forward faster.
"It's about Ghost. Known to you as Brandon Moore."
I stop in my tracks, and step forwards.
"See, get in the car." He opens the passenger door and i shuffle towards the car and make my way in.
He closes the door and pulls out his phone, speaking as he makes his way over to the driver side. He hangs up, opens the door, and sits down.
"You're too serious it looks like you kill people."
"I do kill people." He clears his throat.
"Do you enjoy that?" I ask while putting my seatbelt on.
I grab my car keys and click the lock button. Madison has a spare key, I'll text her to garage my car. I pull out my phone and pull up her conversation, it was riddled with texts along with Brandon's.

Had to leave move my car to the garage, im safe for now

Before sending the message Rapp grabs my phone and looks at it.
"You still in contact with Ghost?" He presses send to the text to Madison before scrolling through the texts.
"As you can see he texted me today, I hadn't read them yet."
"You're honest I like that." He drives down the road to an unknown location.
He powers off my phone and throws it into the glove compartment in front of me, I saw the two glocks before he quickly shut it close.
"I have to trust you for this mission."
"What mission?" I twiddle with my thumbs from keeping me.
I glance over at him, his eyebrows furrowed, his eyes focused onto the road. He was attractive and my type. But a CIA agent? And he kills people. There's a bar but for someone like him, why raise it?
"So you're just this super hot serious mysterious assassin guy?" I smile and turn to look at him.
His glance didn't waver, his hand turning on the turn signal to turn left.
"Don't try to flirt with me." He shakes his head.
"This whole thing just makes you hotter." I lean my elbow on to the middle car console.
"It's a two hour drive, I'm just doing my job." His face softens a bit.
It doesn't seem like he gets compliments and I definitely deal with something anxiety inducing like this by, well, flirting or being a bad comedian.
"You don't get to have any fun? At all?" I pull my jacket closed and zip it up as drops of rain start to hit the car shield.
"I choked a woman in a bathtub, that was fun." He says, his voice still cold.
"Was she doing something bad?"
"Of course that's my job." He responds.
Silence filled the air. I was annoyed, I hate people like him.
"Lauren Rose. Age 28. Graduated college, went to the FBI academy, dropped out in 2016 due to Brandon Moore kidnapping you, suddenly you had a sister named Elena Rose. Adopted by you Aunt who takes care of you."  He says it as if he re and reread my file.
As if for the past week I felt like I was being watched, it was him. He memorized everything about me. So things might be serious, more than I care to think about.
"Stalker much?"
"It's my job." He repeats.
"How long are you supposed to be with me?" My shoulders slump down and I get tired as the car clock hits eleven pm.
"As long as it takes, im here to protect you, Not to be your friend. I don't let things get personal."
I sigh and nuzzle my head in between the car seat and the window.
"Imma take a nap."
As my eyes close I can see out of the corner of my eye, his face turn, finally to look at me. His expression less serious, less cold. He relaxed.
"Ms. Rose, wake up."
I was pushed awake by Rapp. I jolt up and the door opens wider in front of me. His hand reaches out and I grab it to get up.
I was confused, blinking my sleepiness away.
"Stand straight Lauren. Don't be scared." He reassures me, his entire mood more caring than before.
"Why are you being nice? It's making me more scared."
He grabs my shoulders and looks into my eyes.
"I cleaned your phone before sending Brandon's number to my boss. These people you have to lie to. He never texted you. You're life depends on it and I'm not going into the room with you."
His eyes flicker from my left to right eye.
"You got it, Lauren?" He slightly shakes me.
"I-I got it." I nod before following him into the building.
He seemed worried, as if it got personal.
Did he know something I didn't?

AN- rewriting this story to be slower and longer :) please reread!

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