First Broken Bone, Huh? (DeanxReader) (Fluff)

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Dean helped you into the Impala, using your left hand wasn't as easy to do even simple things.

"My hand is sweaty" you groaned from the backseat, "and itching!" you exclaimed, tapping your nails against the cast making a little melody.

"Try this" Sam tossed a pen into the backseat and you scratched, feeling instantly relieved. "And no, I don't want it back" Sam said, looking at you with a scrunched nose.

You stuck your tongue out at both boys through the rear-view mirror, making Dean smirk.

Finally arriving back at the bunker you began to run in to change your clothes, but couldn't figure out how to unlock the door with your left hand. The key was complicated as it is, and this isn't your strong hand.

"Here" Dean said, and placed a hand over yours, making you hyperaware of every breath, of every touch. The lock clicked open, and you gave a small smile at Dean before running off into your room.

Dean stood at the front door, wondering if you'd ever like him back. He continuously hit the key into his palm until he realized Sam was giving him a weird look. Quickly he cleared his throat and said "What?" sarcastically, trying to get Sammy to leave him alone for a minute.

Meanwhile you needed a shower, you smelled like the hospitals air freshener. Plus their was still a couple droplets of blood in your hair from where you fell, but the stitching was done well, you hardly felt pain.

Walking to the bathroom you saw the shower you fell in. Dean obviously was in a craze, the shower door was still wide open, and the water wasn't drained. You lifted up the little metal piece, watching the water as it swirled down.

You'd need a plastic bag to cover your cast, as it wasn't waterproof. Wrapping a robe around yourself you began towards the kitchen to see if there was a leftover grocery bag from Sam's supply run yesterday.

Dean was sitting by the counter, reading the newspaper intently. You smiled at his presence before checking all the drawers.

"What are you doing?" Dean asked, standing up off his stool. "That better not be your" and he put air quotes, "'I'm about to shower' robe". He raised an eyebrow at you and you crossed your arms.

"I just need a bag to cover my arm, I'll be fine" you stated, before turning and checking another drawer.

"You just fell in the shower three hours ago!" he shouted and picked you up, slinging you over his shoulder. You pounded on his back with your free hand before saying, "If you don't put me down I'll hit you with my cast!" and immediately you were dropped onto your bed.

"OK. Fine" he raised his hands up in surrender, "But-" he started, earning a sigh from you. "you still can't shower. I'll just wash your head in the sink or something if that's what your worried about" he offered, making you tilt your head.

"The great Dean Winchester wants to wash my hair? How can I not take up this offer?" you giggled and followed a defeated Dean into the bathroom. He pulled up a folding chair to the sink and you sat, leaning your head back into the sink.

"What shampoo do you use?" he asked, looking at the five different bottles, all half used. He picked up the cherry blossom one and smelled it before setting it back down. "How about vanilla almond?" he asked, smiling like an idiot.

"My favorite" you smiled and felt the warm water run over your head. "Just don't touch the stitches" you winced as you felt the water run over them.

Your head ran with a thousand thoughts, Dean Winchester, the man you crushed on hard - was about to wash your hair. And again, he was friggin' Dean Winchester! Why would he be doing this? you wondered, but went along with it no matter.

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