C3 : Are We Really Okay?

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They are on their way home, Kongpob and Namtarn both looking very happy.

'I'm taking this road, then I will see you guys tomorrow'

Namtarn walk to the said direction but then his hand were grab by a muscular hand 'We will walk you home'

After sending Namtarn home, Kongpob and Arthit walking home together since their house used the same road to reach home.

The atmosphere around them so awkward. Both of them remain silent not even a word came out from their mouth. Kongpob peak a glanze at the guy beside him

Should i start the conversation first? Should i take the initiative???

At the other side Arthit also having a doubt about their current situation

Why were we so awkward??? But its not weird since we are not the same as we were before. We didnt share the same feeling anymore

Arthit chest hurts when he think about it and suddenly Kongpob start to whistle

Arthit take a look at Kongpob and he realise that the song that Kongpob whistling is the song that both of them treasure before. While whistling Kongpob take a look at Arthit side and their eyes meet and right at that moment he stop whistling.

The silence urge again between them.

After a long silence theres a deep sign coming from Kongpob

" Arthit...."

Finally, Arthit decide to break the wall of silence between them

" ......... "

What should i do??? What should i say??? Omg my heart beating so fast feel like i can die due to it

" Arthit ... "

This time Kongpob call my name while looking at me

Urghhh...i have to say something

" Y...yesss?"

" ...... "

" ....... "

Damn the famous silence....again

" Heyy...."

" ...... "

" Heyyy ~~~ You see,.... what had happened between us? Why we end up like this??? We were a bestfriend before right?"

And....theres a question came out from his mouth....anyway im glad he asked me this question, we need to settle this for once and all

" Why you asked me ? You should asked yourself since you are the one who start to widen our distance "

" I know but... "

" But what Kong ?"

My voice start to rise

" Im sorry...i also dont know what happened to me "

So...theres no answer for his own question and i need to end this no matter what. With or without the answer

" Kongpob...lets do it my way "

" How?"

" No matter what happened before, lets both of us forget about it..acted like nothing had happen between us"


" Is it okay like that Kong??"

" Yeah....so....are we good ?"

" Yeah, we good"



I smile at him while saying the word 'friend' and at that time only god know how happy Kongpob that he and Arthit befriend again

* Im sorry for didnt update this fanfic

*hope you guys satisfied with this chapter

*thanks for waiting with patience and if you guys have any question or wanna comment anything feel free to do so amd if you guys like this chapter dont forget to push the star button above ^3^

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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