8- Cut by the razor wire.

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Y/N was Luke and Garrets Best friend. They'd always do everything and anything together. But when Y/N tried to save Ashley she became Luke's worst enemy.

She was currently tied up next to Luke's babysitter. She was bruised and battered with kicks and punches she couldn't take it.

She literally wanted to die. She rocked back and forth till she fell onto the floor, her head starting to bleed. She kept banging it and banging it until all she heard was muffled shouts and voices. She could see a brown haired boy dangling in front of her, a blonde haired girl screaming behind the duct tape and a blonde haired boy on the other side of the brown haired boy.


She had finally woken up, she was in Luke's bed, tied down. She tried to break free but eventually gave up, knowing it wouldn't work. She finally made up her mind and started biting the rope. To her surprise she was released in a matter of seconds.

She walked the empty hallways collecting a gun on the way, this time checking it had ammo. Then she came across a room where a broken chair was. All she could remember was the faces of people and what she was doing in this situation.

Surely this must Be the exit, Y/N thought. Opening up the door.

She ran out screaming for help, but fell when she was caught on a line. Almost getting the attention of a church singer, she screamed in pain.

Dating not to touch her wound, she sat in the snow wanting to die by getting Hypothermia. The brunette came rushing out grabbing and shaking the girl, she couldn't hear a word he was saying. It was all echos and nonsense. She slurred out 'Who are you' and fell into a deep sleep.

Luke thought she had bumped her head pretty bad, she must have amnesia. But that wasn't the issue right now. It was to get Y/N to love him and Ashley worship him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2017 ⏰

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