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Hey guys!! It's my first novel ever.... I thank all of those who have given my writing a chance.I hope I don't disappoint you!

Please don't skip the Prologue!!

Love u ppl<3!!

-xoxo Ariana


"I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?" ― John Lennon



<<Lucinda's POV>>

"It's getting darker. Everywhere I look, I only see trees and trees. Their bare branches increase the horror of the site. The darker it gets the more scared and lonely I feel. I am sitting on the muddy ground, my body taking support on a bare tree in the middle of this dark forest. Bringing my knees nearer to my chest, trying my best to turn into a ball, I tried to trap my body heat and gain some kind of comfort by hugging myself. My vision is getting blurry as tears fall from my face. Loud sobs escape my lips, but there is no one in site to hear them. No one to notice a petite figure trembling with fear. I am all alone, and lost!


The sound of the trees creaking against each other and moaning in the wind makes me feel more intimidated by the second. I squeeze my eyes trying my best to materialize myself out of this dreaded place. Trying my best to calm myself, I can't help but feel alone, deserted and helpless. Missing my parents' voices and their comfort which was available to me only a few hours ago. I blame myself for my suffering as I desperately try to find a way to end this fear and pain. My small brain is full of fear, fear of never finding a way out, fear of never seeing my loved ones again, fear of loneliness, and fear of death by the ungodly creatures living in the depth of this terrifying forest.

Suddenly, I hear a deep, familiar, masculine voice, echoing in this doomed forest, calling my name, "Lucinda! Lucinda! Where are you?"

The voice is accompanied by another familiar, feminine voice shouting, "Lucinda, Baby! Where are you?"

The voices belonging to none other than my parents, worry evident in their voices. Their calls become clearer and relief floods through me. I heard their running footsteps from a distance, getting closer to my location. I shout back, my voice shaking, "M-Mom! Dad! I'm here! I'm here! "

I try to get up on my feet but a sudden darkness, much darker than before overcomes me accompanied with a thick haze of smoke. But before it dominates me..."

I feel the presence of gentle hands on my shoulders shaking me softly "Lucy! Baby, get up it's just a dream, just a dream! Baby open your eyes!"

I shift uncomfortably and quickly open my eyes to look around at my surroundings. I'm in a familiar room, lying on the bed sweating heavily. A familiar woman is sitting beside me, her hands on my shoulders, her eyes full of worry... Ava.

Reality flashes over me and I breathe out a sigh of relief. I sit up and hug her tightly. "It's okay Lucy! I'm here for you. Relax. Take a deep breath." She comforted.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm down, the fear still fresh in my mind.

"It was just a nightmare." She said.

No, it was no imaginary nightmare but an actual memory, the worst memory! It's a part of reality, proof of my sadness, proof that that night was real and it actually happened.

When I was small I use to have this same reminder every night, and I always used to get up sweating in the middle of the night. It was like living it, suffering from it over and over again. As I got older, I started seeing this dream lesser and lesser, but the pain never ended. The pain I felt was not purely because of the fear I faced that night, but because it reminds me of what I lost that night. Something which can never be replaced. Someone whose absence is felt even today, in every second, the hope and the dream that if that someone was alive, how different my life would be.

I was five at that time and we had gone out camping, Mom and Dad and I. We were sitting peacefully around the bonfire. Mom and Dad were busy cuddling and talking to each other when I saw a beautiful bird and without thinking, ran after it. Little did I know that my chase after that stupid bird would cost me the life of my...

Stupid 5 year old me! Stupid, stupid me!

Not realizing where I was going, I got lost as the bird flew out of sight. Mom and Dad were very worried, they searched for me everywhere and when they finally could spot me from the distance, a sudden fire blazed up in the forest. Due to the smoke, I fainted.

And when I got up, the next day, I heard the most terrible news of my life. Dad helped us get out but wasn't able to save himself. He died in the fire. My Dad was dead. I realized that day that I wouldn't be able to hug him and feel safe in his arms, I won't be able to jump on his back to ask for piggy-back rides, I won't hear his voice anymore. I won't see his smile, the smile which tells me that everything's okay and I am safe. I would miss the sparkle in his eyes when he found my actions amusing, I would never be able to see, feel or hear him again. I wouldn't have a father anymore.

We didn't even get his body for the last rights as it was burned in the fire itself. We mourned for days. Mom was devastated but she tried to be brave in front of me, but I knew that she was falling apart inside.

At that time, we used to live in Australia but after his death, my mother shifted to US as she couldn't handle the memories attached to every part of the continent as they use to travel a lot while they dated! The only good-paying job she could find was in the US. We have been living here since then.

Ava hugged me and tucked me in, gently stroking my face she put me back to sleep, singing the lullaby, she use to sing to me when I was small.

My body instantly relaxed listening to her sweet melodious voice. It seems as if there's some kind of a magic in her voice and in her touch.

The rest of my night was peaceful.


** I dedicate my prologue to A.J ( @The_Writers98), thanks a ton for helping in editing this!**


Well I hope you liked it. I know it was kinda serious but the next chapters are gonna be lighter!

As I told u before it's my first book ever so I am pretty nervous.If u find it nice plz do tell me and if not I'll be happy to edit it. Please share your opinions, they mean a lot to me & if you like plz do Comment, Vote or Share.

Whatever you feel like!

Love u!!
-xoxo Ariana

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