Befriend him (20)

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"Princess, I forgot my tie again", Mason declares in his deep velvety voice, standing behind his desk. Watching me with big eyes as if everything relied on me.

I let out a deep sigh, looking at him with a really-dude look.

"I knew you would forget it so I bought another one with me", I announce, looking through my bag.

I get it out, holding it in front of me: "it might not be the right color but it's better than nothing."

I walk up to him, taking fast paces so the time wouldn't strike anymore as it should. I take him by surprise by tying his tie around him.

A soft sweet smile escapes my lips by the memory. He taught me how to do his tie two weeks ago. It was pretty funny, because I kept doing it wrong and I once almost choke him... by accident of course.

    Or maybe it was on purpose?


    Well, maybe

    "That's the third time you've forgotten your tie. The third time and today you have a special meeting. How could you forget it? You're the richest billionaire on earth. How could one forget it", I rant while tying it a bit tighter.

After I'm done I take a step back, eying the knot in his tie proudly.

    Yeah, I did it...

    Without any choking involved.

I look up, meeting his soft warm gaze already observing me. He takes his warm hand out, grasping for mine.

My cold hand melts in his warm one. He brings my cold hand to his lips, placing soft tender kisses on the back of it. Every single touch sends sparks down my spine. His metallic grey eyes melt in mine, making my chest tighten.

"When you're around, you're the only thing holding my mind captive. I can't think about anything else but you", he sighs in delight, placing one last tender kiss.

"That's no excuse to be late", I say, my eyes shifting to the clock. "Hurry up! Mr. Jones is waiting for you on floor 5. It's an important meeting."

"I don't want to go. I don't want to leave you. Come with me", he whines, looking down while playing with my fingers as a little kid, trying to find his way.

I laugh at his silliness. A big smile rests on my face: "I can't come. It's an important meeting. If I come with you I'll be a bother."

    "Hmm", he hums, with a tone which indicated that he wasn't very fond of the idea.

He let's go of my hand, engulfing me in one last, tight hug. He loves to do that before he will go to a meeting. He places one more kiss on my hair, smelling it. It seems to calm him.

He then let's me go, taking steps towards the door. I immediately miss his warmth around me, wishing he was still beside me.

    "Princess, don't forget. If there's something, you can always come to the meeting, even with the tiniest problem. Your well-being goes before that stupid meeting", he announces, giving his charming smile away, making my heart pound a bit faster.

    "Okay", I hum a bit shyly.

    "Mason, don't forget to be kind. Don't get frustrated, don't snarl out on people. They are human too", I warn him, trying to sound stern, but fail miserably.

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