Chapter 33 Exploding Kittens Part 2.

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It was Flitz's turn. He picked a card and BOOM! Bomb. He defused it with his last defuse card. "Well that's it for me." Wes said pulling a bomb with no defuse. "NOOOO WES!" I say slightly laughing. He picked me up bridal style and carried me outside. "Wanna do the honors." Joe says. "OK.. Come'er big guy." I say grabbing his hand and dragging him along. "okkk." he says sadly.

"Wes, Meet your doom. Your doom, Meet Wes." I say. He shakes his head and looks at the snow ahead of him. "This looks like it's gonna suck!" "OK Wes." I say pulling the beanie over his eyes. "You have any last words." "MEOW!" Wes yells. "Somebody already made that joke." Sunny says.

I tried to watch Wes but i couldn't. I went over to Lazercorn who was watching and hid my face in his shoulder slightly glancing. After each mouse trap he would meow. Then at the end he tripped and landed hitting each and every mouse trap. I gasp and run over to the other end. He gets up an runs inside. "COLD! In more places i should be." Once people were inside i gave Wes a hug.

It's down to Me,Flitz, and Olivia. It was my turn and I drew and got a normal card. Phew. That went on for a while until Olivia attacked Flitz again. He drew two cards and drew the cat with no defuses left. Olivia, Wes, and I stayed in. Wes was warming up and Olivia and I were panicking. "How did i make it this far?" I say. "You tell me." She laughed.

Final Round. "Ladies congratulations you have won a point for your team the Snow Fleeks!" We cheer and high five each other. "YAY! But now it gets fucking real." Joe says going into his deep voive. "No Olivia i don't want to do this." I say. "Me either." "Beat some Ass." Joe imitates.

"nononoonon." I say picking up a card. So much anticipation. Olivia draws a normal card then i draw a kitten. "I'll defuse it then put it in randomly." I say. "I don't wanna do this." I whined. "You can be mean it's fine." Olivia says. "NO! i don't want to be mean. "USE YOUR ANGER!" Lazercorn says. "NO!" I say choosing the nice route.

She attacked me and i noped it. "Sorry Olivia." "Alright i'm gonna nope this." People start kinda going crazy. "I'm gonna nope you!" I say. Sunny started running in and out of the camera when Shane just looked surprised. Olivia picked a card and she was safe. SO MUCH ANTICIPATION!

Olivia got the exploding kitten and put it on top. Luckily i had a defused. She defused also then out it back on top. "I'm dead." I say throwing the card pile on the table. Joe comes over and pushes me over to the door "I don't wanna!" I say fully scared and anxious. Wes saw and he came over to me. "Just don't slip like i did. all the rest didn't hurt that bad." He reassures me. I nod nervously and walk to the beginning. "Any last words?" Joe asks. "Last words!" I yell.

(Wes's P.O.V)

I watch as (Y/N) made her way across the mousetrap path. She yelped and screamed after every mouse trap. She was hurting a lot. At the end she stood on like 5 at once. "OWWW OWW Owwiw oww oww owww!" She screams. "You done now (Y/N)" Lazercorn yells. She lifted her hat up and  she had tears in her eyes. "You okay?" I ask holding her shoulders. Everyone else goes inside. She wipes her tears and hugs me. I lifted her up and carried her to the room. She just lied there quietly. 

"You can sleep now." I say. "Will you come back?" She asks. "Right away." I smile. "I'll get some food and bring it back up. That good?" She cuddles the blankets and nods. I quickly ran down stairs and got some food and brought it back up not talking or stopping. I quietly knock on the door letting her know i'm coming and open the door slowly. "I brought food." i say softly closing the door. "Thanks." She smiled.

She was looking at all the marks the traps made. One was really bad. It was long and a bit deep. But not deep enough for stitches. "Oooh that looks bad." I say sitting next to her. "Yeah it hurts a bit but should heal in a couple days." 

I give (Y/N) Her food and she eats quickly. "Whats the rush?" I snicker. "I'm tired." She says. "Just eat your food but don't shove the food down your throat." I say. "Fine.." She groans eating her food at a normal pace.

After the food she had a little more energy so i convinced her to stay up a bit longer. "Why am i staying up?" She asked yawning. "Because i'm not tired and i want to sleep with you." I mutter blushing ,looking down, embarrassed.. "Awww Wes that's cute." (Y/N) Says holding her hand on her heart."By the way when are we having our first date?" She says her face dusted pink. "Hmm After winter games. So we can go to a place with no one to interrupt." i say. She nods and smiles. "I can't wait."  "Me either." i say smiling. 

We talked a little bit about what we should do for our date and what we should do afterwards. "Wes......" (Y/N) says carrying out the E. "What." "I'm going to sleep." She says sliding under the covers. "Fine.." I change into comfy clothes and slide under the covers next to (Y/N)."You don't have to sleep with me if you don't want to.." (Y/N) says. "Why wouldn't i." I say a bit louder and meant it. She shrugs. "I have my worries and doubts about myself." 

I Turn towards her and pulled her into an embrace. "Thank you." She chirps. "For what." "For everything." She closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep. I smile and embrace her a little more. "I love you." I say leaving a little kiss on her forehead. I see her smile in her sleep and snuggle a bit more into me. "Wes i wasn't sleeping." She laughs. My face flushed red and i saw her looking up at me grinning. "I love you to."  We both fall asleep, holding each other close, having smiles printed on our faces.

AWWWWW last chapter i'm making today. Need to sleep. Hope you liked this chapter :)

Well this Ugly Face is OUT! ~J.Birdie  

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