The God of what

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I walk out of the bathroom finding myself face to face with 4 chitauris. Fuck I am unarmed and they are very much armed. What are they doing in my fathers house anyway ? Do thay have anything to do with his disappearance ?
And what is even worse, I am only wearing panties and a bathrobe. They are staring at me and the one in front ask with a voice sounding like he is chewing rocks. "Selvig ?"
"Uh no he isn't home, so fuck of freaks". I say, slowly backing up, looking for a way out or a weapon. I am outnumbered, but they are no doubt out smarted.
"Not he, she". The alian says, pointing at me. Fuck they are after me, why ? I mean yeah I worked for SHIELD back when they still excisted. But I am just an expert in norse mythology, hired to put them up to speed on the Asgaardians.
There is only one weapon within reach, my old fencing sword. Yup I just happens to be a fencing champion. I hope that these nasty things are send to take me alive. Because against guns a sword won't do much.
They try to grab me and I attack. "You shouldn't have done that. Actually you shouldn't have come here, because now I have to kill you".
I was right they want me alive, or have been told to take me alive, because they don't try and shoot me. But unfortunately a foil isn't really made for killing aliens or anything for that matter, so all I can do is keeping them at a distance, while looking for something better.
Unfortunately I am in a corner and there is nothing better within reach. Shit how am I to get out of this ? I am not about to let these monsters drag me with them.

I stumble slightly as I hit to ground. It takes a couple of seconds to get my bearings back. I feel alive and it is exhilarating. Even though that there physically isn't really a difference. It is not like I have been see through or anything like that.
I see the house up ahead, like I have been told. It should be an easy assignment. I just have to go talk to Eric Selvig. He can tell he were Thor has led the asgardians and I am to report back to Odin. But it lets me visit midgaard, lets me feel alive, so why not.
But as soon as I get close to the house I know this isn't going to be as easy as hoped. I can hear figthing noises and a woman who are cursing quite rudely.
I hurry inside the house, my sword draw. Stopping in my track as I enter. In a corner is a beautiful young midgaardian woman, her pale blue eyes are shooting daggers and her porcelain skin blotched with angry red spots as she yells and curses, holding of four chitauri with some kind of rapier.
Admittedly she seems to know her weapon and be quick on her feet. But her jabs at the aliens doesn't do any real damage and she is clearly in over her head. Well finally something exciting to do.
I cut down the first two aliens before any of them even notice me. The woman sees me firts, her eyes growing wide, her long almost white blonde hair hanging damp into her face.
The two last chitauri turns and see me and I send them a smile. "Hey funny meeting you guys here, sorry to have to kill you".
The nearest one is stupid enough to throw itself at me, it is almost to easy. I mean he kind of kills himself on my sword. But the last one grabs it's weapon, firing at me. I throw myself forward rolling under the fire, thrusting my sword up through it's head from below.
"Who are you ?" The woman looks at me, like she expects me to attack her too. So I take a step back and sheet my sword not to scare her.
I give her a light bow and a smile. "Fandral warrior of Asgaard at your service my lady. I am looking for Eric Selvig, this should be his home".
"What do you want with my father ? How can I trust you are who you say you are ?" She is slowly edging around me. And I step aside to give her space.
"Oh you are his daugther". I hadn't know he had a daugther, especially not such a beautiful and graceful one. "Is he home ?"
She is backing away, smiling in a weird way, like she is hiding something. She has thrown down her weapon. But then she is rummaging through a drawer and suddenly she has a gun pointed at my chest. "See I am an expert in norse mythology and I have never heard af a God called Fandral. What are you the God of ?"
"Well not technically a God... Fandral the Dashing ? Doesn't ring a bell ?" I ask her. I mean she is an expert and she has never heard of me, surely that can't be true.
She is shaking her head. "No but sounds like a pretty vain person to call himself that I would say. Now be gone with you before I kill you".
"Sorry but I can't leave before talking to your father. Odin needs his help". Luckily I am much faster than she expects. So before she can react I step up, grabbing her wrist, pulling her forward, so her body almost fly into me. Taking the gun from her, with my free hand, tossing it out through the open door. "Sorry my lady, I am not out to harm you".
As I release her she leans in, whispering in my ear. "Well sorry I can't say the same". And when she quickly steps back I realise that I made a mistake, as she draws my sword, pointing it at me.

The search for Asgaard - Book 1 of The agent of Valhalla seriesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz