t h r e e

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inseong got out of the shower and sees youngkyun and sanghyuk watching tv.

"ya, you didn't ask me if you want to watch tv!"

"but we wanted to." youngkyun replies.

inseong rolls his eyes again.

"i'll be going out for a while. i'll be back by 9."

"alright then."

"there's food in the refrigerator so eat some before you sleep.'

"alright 'mom', you really do sound like my mom."

inseong closes the door when dawon was still speaking. "well he's rude." inseong walks to jaeyoon's house and rings the bell. he can already hear footsteps going down the stairs and jaeyoon hits the door. he opens it and sees inseong.

(jaeyoon p.o.v)

i heard the door bell rang. i expected inseong coming over so i ran downstairs before my mom opens it. i opened the door and saw him.

"hey inseong!"

"hey jaeyoon!"

"give me a while..." i closed the door and screamed, "MOM! can i let my friend come in?" my mom nods and i cheer softly. (just imagine him saying "YES" softly) i opened the door and brought inseong to my room.

"your room is really cute," inseong says and i blushed. "maybe if you are free, you can come to my house too." and i nodded.

(inseong p.o.v)

i told jaeyoon that i'll have to go back at 9. right now is 8. i have an hour. that's good. at least i get to know more about him.


"you can call me hyung" WAIT A SECOND DID I JUST ASK HIM THAT? i shouldn't have say that.

"oh you're older than me?"

"u- um yes...." i just stuttered. oh my god. CALM DOWN INSEONG CALM DOWN!

"i'm 23."

"o- oh i'm 24." i'm a year older than him.... oh god.. i wish i can call youngbin right now. i bet he doesn't even know i died and i'm here.

"so i'm a year younger than you." i nod and he smiles.

"wanna watch a movie?" he asks.

"sur- sure.."

"KIM INSEONG STOP STUTTERING" i mumbled to myself.


"nothing...." i looked away from jaeyoon.

we watched on jaeyoon's laptop. what's even a laptop? all i heard it was created a year before i died.. or earlier. my parents didn't even have one.

we watched the movie i had seen before. jaeyoon's bed was really comfy. it was pretty big (it's medium-sized) but i have no idea why jaeyoon was so close so i tried to move away but oh no... the next part really needs some hugging because i always get scared everytime i see that part that i have to hug my mom. i looked around and found a pillow behind me. good thing i don't have to hug jaeyoon. that would be weird, to be honest. i tried focusing on the movie but jaeyoon keeps coming closer and i had to move closer to the wall. which was really uncomfortable. finally jaeyoon stops coming. the movie ends and i looked at the time. it's 8:57.

"hey jaeyoon, i need to go."

"o- oh. alright." jaeyoon stood up. i don't think he knows that i knew he just stuttered.

"hey hyung, will i see you tomorrow?"

"sure! maybe my place?"

"alright." he shows a big smile. i waved at him and walked.

i entered my house and hear dawon saying, "when will inseong come back??"

"excuse me i'm here." dawon quickly sat up properly.

"you guys are really like kids."

"i'm 18 what do you exp-" i interrupted hwiyoung

"i understand hwiyoung. you're still a baby. but dawon. he's like 22 and he still acts like a child."

"I'm not a baby!"

"you are hwiyoung." dawon says.

"say that one more time then you're the baby."

"what.... didn't you just call him.. nevermind." dawon gives up.

"guys let's go sleep."

"alright 'mom'! now stop sounding like my mom."

"i'm sorry that i can't." dawon holds up a fist. hwiyoung likes it when inseong teases dawon.

"hey, stop laughing or you're next."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2017 ⏰

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