Act 4: Scene 15

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The stage is dark. Out of the darkness, we hear a loud, persistent ticking. It's coming from the Time-Turner. There's a crescendo in the ticking, it gets louder still. And the Time-Turner ticks to a stop. And we're back in the present.

Lights come up on a lovely little wizarding town, shopfronts with steeply sloping roofs, a magical fountain, and many young people in black robes shuttling past one another. Among them, standing beside the fountain, is PROFESSOR McGONAGALL. She is wearing a stern look.

McGONAGALL: Slow your pace — will you, please. Merlin's waistcoat! You act as if there's not enough space on the train!

RAVENCLAW STUDENT: Bye, Professor McGonagall.

McGONAGALL: Goodbye.


GRYFFINDOR STUDENT: See you next fall.

McGONAGALL: All right.


A magnificent owl flutters over the rooftops. It comes down to greet PROFESSOR McGONAGALL. There is an envelope under its wing. McGONAGALL takes the letter and reads it as the owl exits. Her expression moves from one of disinterest to great consideration, worry, and sympathy. Other students pass her to say goodbye. She ignores them and lowers the letter, her eyes strained and sorrowful. PROFESSOR McGONAGALL looks around, searching the storefronts keenly.

HARRY enters between the buildings. He is carrying BABY DELPHINI. When PROFESSOR McGONAGALL notices him, she takes a full breath and seems unwilling to exhale until he is close and within her protection.

McGONAGALL (with much exertion): Mister Potter.

HARRY (evenly): Professor.

McGONAGALL: Welcome back... to Hogsmeade.

HARRY: You received my owl?

She takes another substantial breath and raises the letter.

McGONAGALL: I did. This is quite the... quite the story.

HARRY glances over his shoulder. He sees the young students making their way through town without a care in the world.

HARRY: You don't know how good it is to be back here, Professor.

McGONAGALL: You changed things. (beat, she shakes her head disapprovingly) You had a chance and you changed time.

HARRY: Only because I knew what should be different.

PROFESSOR McGONAGALL leans over to look at BABY DELPHINI. She seems overwhelmed by the knowledge of what HARRY has experienced.

McGONAGALL: And this must be... the heir?

HARRY: Of Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange.

McGONAGALL: The ineffective living Horcrux. My word...

HARRY (leadingly): So... you'll...?


She takes the baby from HARRY and appears far less awkward holding a child than we might have anticipated. There is a tender moment.

And the Time-Turners?

HARRY: Right.

HARRY hands those to her as well. She pockets them.

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