Chapter 6: Batman and Robin

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Robin: "The one that was before shot my family, but what was the other one for?" (Batman looked around and saw a lying cop on the ground in the corner of the alley.)

Batman: "A cop." (Robin sort of looked away.)

Robin: "Oh, no. Is he dead?" (Batman felt his pulse and he was relieved.)

Batman: "No, he's actually alive. Just knocked out."

Robin: (Sighed with relief) "Oh, okay. That was close. Should we report it in?"

Batman: "That doesn't sound like a bad idea at all. Good thinking, Robin." (Robin smiled and Batman touched his headcom.)

Batman: "Jim, Robin and I just spotted one of your officers in the alleyway."

Jim: (COM) "Aw, crap! Is he dead?"

Batman: "No, he's fine, but he might need some help."

Jim: (COM) "Okay, I'm sending a few men to get him out of there. Thanks for reporting this in both of you."

Batman: "You're welcome, Jim." (He released his headcom and looked at the officer. He was waking up slowly.)

Officer #1: (Weakly) "Oh, my head. What just..." (He looked up and he saw Batman and Robin.)

Officer #1: "Whoa, it's..." (Robin kneeled down in front of him.)

Robin: "Hey, take it easy. It's okay, we're here to help."

Officer #1: "I'm glad you guys came. Who are you, kid?"

Batman: "That can wait later, Officer..."

Officer #1: "Jacob."

Batman: "Okay, Officer Jacob. We need you to carefully remember what you exactly saw. You can take your time." (Jacob took three deep breaths and sighed.)

Jacob: "Okay, basically the Comissioner gave me an assignment to thoroughly check out all the alleyways since Zucco loves to be in them sometimes at night. Suddenly, I saw a mysterious figure in a dark black hoodie. I couldn't see who it was exactly. I thought it was a hobo, but it wasn't until I got hit in the head with a rifle and suddenly I was completely out of it and then, I heard a gunshot and a light clang hit the ground."

Robin: "The silencer!" (Batman took it out and showed it to Jacob.)

Batman: "Is this silencer what you heard that hit the ground?"

Jacob: "Yeah....yeah, that's exactly what I've heard!"

Batman: "Now, is there anything else that you remember?" (Jacob thought about it and shook his head.)

Jacob: "No. I think that's pretty much it actually."

Batman: "Okay, that's all the information that we need to know. Thank you, Officer Jacob. Some of the officers will pick you up by Commissioner's orders."

Jacob: "It was my pleasure in telling you this and thank you for helping me."

Robin: "No problem, Officer Jacob."

Jacob: "You are..."

Robin: "Robin." (Jacob shook his hand.)

Jacob: "Robin. That's cool."

Robin: "Thanks, stay here."

Jacob: "Oh, I will. No problem." (Batman examined the wall and saw a bullet hole.)

Batman: "A bullet hole. What does this mean?"

Robin: "Maybe he wanted to get someone's attention."

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