Yandere!Fem!Fox McCloud X Male!Reader

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A/n: This story was requested by CordellDavis5497 and it stars the main hero of Starfox, Fox McCloud! Thanks for the request and I hope you enjoy!

How the hell did I get myself into this mess? One minute I'm doing target practice with Falco and the next I'm running for my life with Wolf O'Donnell! It's like my life was predetermined by some bored teenager!

(Chibi Kai: Break the fourth wall again, I dare you! I double dare you!)

Wolf: Get your head in the game (Y/n)! Our shields are low and she's gaining on us! Try and shoot her down!

(Y/n): If it's so easy, why haven't you done it before?!

Wolf: Oh that's a low blow and you know it! Hurry and-

???: Am I interrupting something, Darling? Why did you go and leave the ship? With Wolf, no less?

(Y/n): Well. . .


(Y/n): Dammit Falco! How are you so good at shooting stuff?

Falco chuckled and spun he blaster around like a cowboy in the Wild West. Not gonna lie, it was pretty damn cool.

Falco: Practice makes perfect, Starfox cadet! Make sure you practice constantly!

Y/n's Mind: Practice two times? Wow the author really needs to step up their game.

(Chibi Kai: CHIBI RAGE!!!! *Starts smashing stuff* 😡)

???: (Y/n) can I see you for a second?

I heard a familiar voice and smiled. That was my boss Fox McCloud, also known as the cutest I have ever met! Honestly when I was told I would be joining Starfox, the team with my biggest crush, I was so excited that I broke the fourth wall three times! I waved goodbye to Falco and up to Fox's room before knocking.

Fox: Come in (Y/n).

I opened the door to see Fox over a dead hopper aiming her blaster at me. I shut the door instantly and bolted for an escape pod while the others were looking at me strangely. I launched it into space while flipping off everyone still in the ships.

(Y/n): See you guys in the afterlife!

I then called a friend of mine and a couple minutes later a group of ships caught my pod and pulled it with a tractor beam.

Wolf: Hey (Y/n) old pal! Finally decided to ditch Starfox eh! Glad to have you!

(Y/n): Yup! Also crazy yandere Fox will be here in about 5 Minutes.


(Flashback End)

Fox: (Y/n) my love are you okay? You have been staring into space for an hour.

I looked around to see Fox's ship covered in blood and her deranged face. I then looked out the ship to see Wolf's team floating lifeless in space with Fox's team.

(Y/n): Oh crap I flashbacked for too long. That's what I get for breaking the fourth wall to much.

Fox: Are you ready to submit (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Oddly Yes. ROLL CREDITS!

(Next Story)

Yandere!The Boss (Saints Row 3) X Male!Reader 

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