"Hey now, don't cry," he chuckled, holding me closer to him.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"Of course," he said, kissing my head.

After a few more seconds he said goodbye, then I went out to the kitchen, seeing mom making breakfast.

"Oh, Rhea, hi!" She greeted me excitedly, then she gave me a quick hug.

"Hi mom," I smiled back at her, which made her even happier.

"Go sit down darling, breakfast will be ready in a few minutes, I will get your father," she rushed upstairs, towards their room.

They came back down faster then I expected, and they looked super excited.

Dad came to hug me too, then he sat down, while mom finished making breakfast.

"I made pancakes," she said happily, knowing that pancakes were one of my favourite foods.

"Thanks, mom," I grinned, looking forward to eating them.

When we finished eating the pancakes, they both rushed out of the room, telling me to stay where I was.

They came back with a small cake in their hands, which had a lot of candles on top of it.

"Happy Birthday!" They grinned, putting the cake down on the table.

"Aw, thank you both so much" I smiled at them.

"I will light the candles," Dad said, and he started looking for a lighter.

"Isn't it too early for cake, though?" I asked mom with a smile.

"Honey, you just turned eighteen, which means you're an adult. If you want to have cake for breakfast, then you shall eat cake for breakfast" she explained, which made me laugh.

Dad returned with the lighter, lighting all eighteen candles on the cake. After that, he sat down, and they both looked at me.

"Go on, make a wish!"

I stared at the candles for a second, making my wish in silence, then blowing them all out.

They started clapping, and I looked up at them with a big smile.

"Oh Rhea, it's so good to see you like this," mom said. "We've been so worried about you."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that," I sighed. "But I'm better now."

"We're glad to hear that," dad said, then we all ate a slice of cake, which was really delicious.

After we finished, mom put the rest of the cake in the fridge, and we went to the living room to watch a movie.

It was a great day, and I felt much better already. I loved spending time with them.

When Drake arrived, we started putting up the tent in the garden.

"Okay Rhea, I love you, but you're horrible at this," he shook his head, laughing.

"Hey, I'm trying to help you!" I laughed back.

"And that is very much appreciated, but it's not really working. Why don't you bring the pillows and stuff out while I finish this instead?"

"Okay," I sighed, going back inside to get everything we needed.

When I brought everything out, I saw that he finished putting the tent up, so we put the pillows and blankets inside.

We put a big blanket on the grass too, so we could watch the moon from there.

I went inside to get two slices of cake, then went back and gave one to him.

We talked about random things, waiting for the darkness to take over, so we could see the moon properly.

We were having such a great time, I didn't even notice that it got really dark.

"Hey, look," Drake nudged my shoulder, pointing at the sky.

I looked up, seeing the moon glowing like never before. It was such a beautiful sight, I was in awe.

We laid down, staring at the moon in silence. Maybe it sounds a little weird, but we both had a love for the moon.

"You know, when we were younger and I first saw you doing this, I didn't understand your reason for it, but I think I get it now," he said.

"Yeah," I whispered. "I don't actually have a reason though, I just feel this weird, but good feeling when I look at the moon."

We were laying there for a while, then Drake got up, saying he was tired. He got inside the tent, but I decided to stay for a little longer.

I was staring at the moon, when I heard loud howling from the woods, then I saw a pair of golden eyes in the distance.

Suddenly I felt my eyes getting heavy, and I fell into complete darkness.

The Candles Will Protect YouWhere stories live. Discover now