Old Friend(Soldier 76 x male reader)

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(This takes place right after the animated short where 76 saved Alejandra )

Video above.


Grunts of discomfort and pain sounded from the gruff, white haired soldier. Walking in an unbalanced manner that obviously showed he was uncomfortable. The searing pain at his side throbbed with a pulse. The sldier's visored mask hiding the teeth gritting expression he had beneath.

His steps carried him down a familiar path. So familiar that he didn't even have to think of which way to go. His feet simply trudged their way to their destination. Minutes pass of disgruntled stumbling and he arrived at his designated target. A small, slightly run down building. It wasn't too badly run down, mind you. Just some paint chipping off the sides and slighlty fading colour. Other than that it was quite welcoming, having warm lights visible through the windows. Soft, sheer curtains. The soldier knocked at the door, leaning againt the wall, growing exhausted. After some shuffling was heard the door opened to see a (s/c) male, who had (e/c) eyes that had asoft glint to them. The boy's face went from a kind, welcoming face to one of shock and joy.

"Oh my god! Jack! It's so good to see you, old friend." The boy threw his arms around the soldier. He hissed slightly in pain and the boy jumped away, noticing his discomfort. "What's wrong?.....oh, god...what happened to you! Come inside, quick." he helped the white haired man inside. Rushing the soldier, downstairs where there was a metal, electronic door with a keypad on the wall. The male quickly inputs the code and bring the injured one inside once the door beeped and lifted open. The room was mostly white, a few grays. The floors was shiny, that reflected the bright light. The room was like a doctor's office. A table with eqquipment. A desk with a computer. Cabinets holding various items like syringes, gloves, disinfectant. Just like a doctor would.

"Heh....I guess habits don't die easy with us huh, (y/n)?" Jack chuckled once he was placed in a pale blue leather seat, the kind they have at hospitals and such. (y/n) chuckled lightly in response.

"Guess you're right..." he mumbled, grabbing disinfectant, gloves, and some medical sewing supplies. Rolling up his sleeves he helped Jack remove his jacket and shirt.

"How has life been since overwatch was shut down? I see you found a comfortable life here." Jack noted.

"Things have been calm, what about you?.....can you take off your mask, I need it off so it doesn't restict any of your vitals while I'm fixing you." You looked over at him. Jack hesitated before taking his mask off, revealing his scarred face.

"It's been fine....still having my old habits." He placed the mask off to the side. (y/n) chuckled.

"It's good to finally see you again........Sorry, I don't have any anasthetics on me so you're gonna have to go old school." he explained, putting on the thin latex gloves.

"It's fine. I'll manage." He nodded. First you began cleaning the large gash at his side. Jack hissed slightly at the stinging. (Y/n) was giving him words of comfort. Once the blood was cleaned and the wound was disinfected he grabbed the surgical needle and thread.

"Now, I'm not gonna lie. This is gonna hurt, big guy. So, be strong for me." he smiled lightly at him.

"Let's just get it over with." Jack rested his head back. (Y/n) began and the white haired soldier gritted his teeth and grunted. Blood rubbed onto the gloved hands of the working male.


After about twenty minutes of sewing, pained grunts and hisses, the pocedure was done. (Y/n) removed his gloves and threw them away, before washing his hands and grapping a large roll of bandage.

"How're you holding up?" he asked Jack.

"Better. Thanks, (y/n)." He replied, a light smile on his visage. (Y/n) began wrapping the bandage all around Jack's torso once having placed cotton pads on the wound itslef.

"That's good....aaaand, there. Good as new." He finished wrapping it and stood up fully. He walked over and threw away the bloody needle and remaining thread and wiping his hands off, his back turned to Jack. "Now, I would recommend you staying here and rest for until your wound heals." Slight shifting was heard from where Jack was sitting. (Y/n) jumped slighlty when he felt arms snake around his waist and a chin on top of his head.

"I wouldn't mind that...." Jack hummed, now standing up and hugging (y/n). A light blush dusted the (s/c) cheeks and ears of the boy, but a smile eventually came to his lips.

"I missed you....old friend." 

Overwatch x Male!Reader - ONESHOTSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें