Chapter Two

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  A freaking bookshelf! That's what they were hiding. Or maybe the library had just run out of space to have another one, but... there was something different about this one. This bookshelf didn't contain books on psychology and genetics. All the books were on Mythology.

      Why was this bookshelf covered by another one? What's so wrong about Mythology? I scanned the books looking for some thing that'll catch my eye. There was a book filled with sticky notes and sheets of paper.

    I pulled out the book, relieved it wasn't stuck like the other one. Or maybe the other book was what had slid the previous bookshelf aside revealing the one of Mythology. I took the book and left from the library leaving it unlocked. I'll lock it tomarrow, my parents were going to be out of town for three days.

     Today was only friday meaning they would be back by sunday night. Hopefully I'll have enough time to do the research. Mythology was very interesting but my parents didn't like if I talked about it, but why would they have over a hundred books about it?

      After hours of writing things down and only getting through the first Chapter of the book I decided to see if I could find the exact one at the library because if i took this one my parents would notice. I picked up my car keys, locked the door and got into my Black Camaro. I drove to the library, but to my luck didn't find the book.

     This book must really be ancient. I left the library and searched through town for a bookstore, although I found one I didn't find the book I was looking for. I gave up and stopped for ice cream, then went home. At least I got ice cream. I came back home and plopped down onto my bed. After wards I just decided to make photo copies of interesting topics in the book.

    I ended up having to go to the store to buy more printer ink. I collected all the pages, there were so many I put them in four different folders. Once I was done, it was already nine at night. For some reason looking at books all day left me exhausted. And after seven minutes I had dozed off.

      When I woke up I wrote down what I dreamt of. I've been having a reoccurring dream that didn't make much sense.

     August 15, 2014

Today I had that reoccurring dream again.  I keep wondering why I'm always in the same place and why I keep hearing the same name over and over in my head. I really don't know what it means. I don't even know who the name belongs to. Why do I keep dreaming of someone with red eyes? The features of the face are still blurred but I can assume that the person is a woman. I think she's the one with the name.

                      -Skylar S. Luna

  I don't exactly know when the dream started, all I remember is that it used to be a nightmare. The thought of someone with bright red eyes that glowed just didn't seem normal to me.

     The eyes weren't as of someone's who is Albino- no, they somehow glowed. As I've said before my parents are psychologists, but I never confided in them. It was sort of a rebellion to all the secrets they're keeping from me.


     It was Sunday night eleven o'clock to be precise, my parents still weren't home. I was starting to worry. They had barely agreed to leave me home alone, if it wasn't for the Henricksons next door they wouldn't have thought twice about getting me a babysitter. My phone buzzed and I checked to see a text from my parents.

        We aren't able to come home, some thing came up. We'll be here by Wednesday. Sorry Sky. I put extra money on your debit card for food, if you want I can hire a babysitter. Love you .


    Babysitter? Are you kidding me I'm eighteen almost turning nineteen. Its only another few days, either way I've been trained in self-defence for four years.

     It's fine mom, no need for a babysitter. Love you, too.



    I woke up feeling refreshed, I got ready for school and got into my car.

         "Ugh I hate Mondays they're the worst I barely got eight hours of sleep," Danielle complained.

      "Yeah." I agreed, I really didn't need much sleep I had only gotten seven hours today,  yet I felt fine. I guess it's another one of those advantages, that I've been so lucky to posess. I also can't get drunk very easily.

     "Did you get any sleep?" Danielle yawned.

    "Yeah about six hours." I responded nonchalantly.

      "Really?! How come you're not tired?" Danielle exclaimed.

     I shrugged, "Ehh I live the yolo life so I don't need much sleep." I stated ironically.

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