Teacher Levi x Reader (Modern Time) ~ Improvement

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{[The Next Day]}

You began to grow shaky as you headed towards Mr.Ackerman's class. The thought about what kind of test it would be crept back into your mind, leaving you to fear about what to expect when you entered the classroom.

"Good afternoon, Miss (L/N)."

You winced and looked to Mr.Ackerman's desk. He was writing down grades for the previous class. Pausing for a moment, he glanced up at you before realizing you were the only student in the room.

"You got here pretty quickly today." Mr.Ackerman joked. You felt your face begin to heat up as you tried to look away, but you couldn't. Shaking your head quite furiously, you turned and went to your table.

"By the way, Miss (L/N)."

You looked back at Mr.Ackerman, who had somehow left his desk and went to your table with no sound indication. "I was told your drawing skills have improved greatly this year, yet I haven't seen any of your drawings." he mentioned.

Did Hanji fucking tell him about my sketchpad?! you thought, your eyes widening in fear.

"Well, I have my sketchpad right now, sir, I could show you a few." you muttered as you took out your sketchpad. You quickly flipped past the page that you started on the night before and handed him your sketchpad. It was the one you drew during class; the one of your favorite animal.

"This is pretty, (F/N)." Mr.Ackerman complimented after he scanned over the picture. You felt your cheeks heat up and you nodded your head.

"Thanks. I only draw things I really like in this so my favorite animal seemed reasonable."

"I see..." Mr.Ackerman continued looking over the picture. "Do you have any more?"

"Uhm...yeah." you tried to think of how to prevent him from seeing last night's unfinished drawing. You took the sketchpad out of his hands and quickly flipped to a drawing of your favorite character from your favorite book.

"I can't believe how realistic and artistic your drawing skills have become, (F/N)." Mr.Ackerman said as he scanned over your next picture. "It's only been a year."

"Well, drawing's my main hobby, so I expected to improve at some point." you told him calmly. Mr.Ackerman patted you on the head and returned to your desk, leaving you a blushing mess.

Once class started and everyone had finally showed up, you were all seated and shushed. Mr.Ackerman got up from his desk, a stack of papers in his hand.

"This is a pretty simple test, need I remind you." he said as he handed each student a test. "It goes over the proper skills and utensils you'll need to make a certain painting, sculpture, and so forth."

As soon as he got to you, not only did he hand you a test, but he also handed you a small patch of notebook paper, as well. Confused, you waited until he was a reasonable distance away before you read what he had written on the notebook paper.

'Stay here for last hour. I have a favor to ask of you.'

Your eyes widened as your face began to burn. You quickly shoved the note into your pocket before anyone grew suspicious of what you were reading. At this point, you felt like curling into a ball and hiding your face, but you couldn't help but glance at Mr.Ackerman before the test started. He already had his gaze fixed on you, making you quickly turn away as if you weren't trying to look at him.

"Alright, start your test." Mr.Ackerman said aloud.

Surprisingly, the test only took about 15 minutes for you. You looked up and realized that you had to take your test to Mr.Ackerman. When you brought the test to him, he stopped you before you could go back to your table.

Levi x Reader One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora