chapter seven, just another day. JUNE THIRD, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN ; ( when everything began to turn sour )
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the door swung open, a crowd of people rushing out of the building as fast as they could. jimin held on to the person in front of him's book bag as the sounds grew closer. tears welded up in his eyes, the fear read across every individuals face the same. girls screaming, boys cursing, blood covering the hallways faster than students were evacuating; jimin didn't know if he was going to make it out alive. his tongue pressed roughly against the roof of his mouth as the salt of his tears coated his bottom lip. the person in front of him turned, his eyes almost as massive as jimin's. quickly facing the front doors, they both realized there was no way they were going to escape with how backed up they were. jimin's breathing grew faster, watching as people ran on other's bodies and listening as the threat of gunshots got closer.
"come on," the stranger took a hold of jimin's wrist, pulling him in the direction of the nurses office. the masked figure turned the corner, coming back to the main entrance as the obnoxious but satisfying noise of police sirens sounded off outside the high school. the yells of everyone got louder as the shooter pressed his finger against the trigger, the impact of the gunfire bouncing off the walls distracted jimin from where he was going, a loud ringing scratching at his eardrums. "move!" a group of people ripped the hold from jimin's wrist as they gathered in the small room and shut it in his face. his mouth was left agape, his heart stopping momentarily as he feared turning around. his body jolted forward, wiggling the doorknob harshly, throwing his shoulder into the stiff wood. he began to beg, his voice weary and clearly distressed, but not loud enough to hear over the background noise. his knuckles began to pulse as his grip continued to tighten, hoping they would open it soon, but knowing they truly weren't.
suddenly, everything went quiet. the once painted brown wall faded into pearl white, his brows stitching together as his swollen eyes drowned in the ocean he had created in the horror scene just a few steps away. "jimin," the voice sang all too creepily behind him, his teeth pressing together hard enough to swallow the rush of chills sent up his spine. "oh, jimin, how unlucky the day has come," his eyes closed shut, almost as tightly as his whole body had been since the door was locked without him inside. "turn around, jimin," the voice talked all too sweetly that it made jimin more nervous than the gun had itself. "turn around!" yet this time it was more aggressive, a thousand times more violent than anything he's ever heard. as he opened in his eyes widely, in shock of all that was happening, everything around him had turned white. he felt as if he had been sucked into a void or maybe he had been shot, this was just the hell before he got to wave hello to God.
he spun around, but the killer was no where to be seen and neither was the mass of dead bodies. he wanted to cry, he felt the need to press his knees to ground and mourn for everything that had just occurred, but he couldn't find the strength in it all as the voice returned, this time sounding a bit more familiar. "i really thought things would turn out better than this," he, this thing that had been masked and unknown to the public school since he walked in, it talked normally, but the conversation and the event was far from normal, "i wanted things to turn out for the better, i really did, don't you believe me?" jimin found enough courage to spin back around, to face whatever was standing behind him, but there was nothing again, "you gotta believe in me, someone has to," jimin's heart jumped into the knots created in his stomach as he turned one more time, this time face to face with the person. "don't you believe in me, jimin?" he tilted his head to the side, waving the gun by his thigh. his voice was manipulative, a broad difference from what it held before. jimin's breathing came to a halt, his body rocking back and forth only slightly as he tried to find sturdy ground, a way to not have his knees fold on him and fall forward. "remember the beginning of this year, when you took advantage of me?" the question confused jimin, but he was too much of a coward to answer, his words stuck in the back of his throat. "do you recall when you told jungkook all about how fucked up i was and he went on to announce it to everyone else, the whole school thinking i'm fucking insane?" the heaving of jimin's chest became rapid, the stranger reaching for the end of his mask. slowly, he peeled it off, the man behind it made jimin's thoughts completely stop. "do you know the pain i went through when the whole town found out and my mother forced me into one of those fucked up people places? i ate pancakes that weren't fully cooked and to past time, i chipped paint off the walls. i walked in on someone hanging from the ceiling fan, you know what that does to someone?" the gun waved in the air as his old friend continued to talk. "do you understand what i have to do now to feel whole again?" the boy took a bullet out of his pocket, never dismissing the eye contact he made with jimin as he reloaded the firearm.
jimin's mouth moved a little as he tried to cope with what was going on. the sob he had been holding back erupted within him, only the beg for forgiveness act falling from his lips. "please, don't do this," the man across from him, standing only a few feet away grinned, "hoseok, please, i'll do anything." his eyebrows sprung up, wrinkles indenting his forehead as he moved the fun back down by his thigh. "you'll do anything? for me?" jimin nodded his head furiously, his bottom lip quivering as hoseok shrugged his shoulders. "good, then you'll find no problem with me wanting you to stop breathing," the end of the barrel was pointed directly in between jimin's eyes in seconds. the wisp of smoke rose up from the end of the gun as the sound of the bullet running through the metal and out towards jimin echoed in the white area they were surrounded in.
as soon as jimin took a deep breath in, his eyes peeled open to the alarm on his bed stand. sweat covered not only his entire body, but drenched the pillow he slept on. his breathing was heavy as he shook his head, trying to forget the awful nightmare that had just occurred. he rubbed his eyes before shutting the phone's blaring alarm off. he bounced out of bed, running a cold shower, his mother yelling up to him every five minutes that they had to leave. even with the distraction of getting dressed, music drowning out the mess around him, and rushing out the door to get to school on time, he couldn't shake the dream away. it left him with so many questions, all starting with why.
he told himself numerous amount of times that it was just that, a dream, and nothing to worry about. hoseok was far away from school, being expelled his fourth time this year for some stupid shit like always, and he probably didn't even remember jimin a bit. jimin agreed that he wouldn't stress, that the only reason this night terror had come around is because he fell asleep with the news quietly going on behind him.
and as he walked into the front doors of his high school, ready to graduate from the hell hole he had put up with for too many years, he figured it was just another day. another day of loneliness, another day of more homework, another day where when he's picked up, he get's to hear his mother bitch about her day at work.
that's until fourth period came around and gunshots were fired only classrooms away from where jimin stood.
who did it? ( ur homie is back with the bop and better than ever, sorry for making ya'll wait so long for this )