Fake Love(KeiMin)

Start from the beginning

He was disturbed by his thoughts when he heard a knock on his door with a familiar voice, yelling out for his name. Jimin groaned a little before he opened the door and looked to see what they wanted with him.

''What took you so long to open the door?'' His mother taunted him.

''What is it?'' Jimin questioned.

''Carry this!'' His mother pushed a huge fruit basket into his hands without any warning, startling him slightly with the heavy weight.

''Argh umma, where are we even taking this? At least let me fully change properly before we head outside!'' Jimin groaned a little, proceeding to put the fruit basket on the floor however his mother stopped him immediately.

''We're only going next door! Come on!'' His mother pulled him. ''We're going to meet our new neighbours.''

Jimin had his full attention as he followed his mother with the fruit basket in his hands and while his mother may have the friendly aim of socialising with the neighbours, Jimin had other ideas when he agreed to go with his mother. He didn't know what it was but there was something about that person that always intrigued him. What could it be, you may ask but he, himself didn't really know what it was about the person that was intriguting and exactly from what angle could it be, he wondered?

(Woo) I dunno, I dunno, I dunno why

Could it be from a romantic aspect you may ask? Jimin considered that aspect but brushed it off, thinking that it was too abrupt and soon to even think about that besides he couldn't even see the person at all to even think carefully. He finds this whole ordeal about the person quite strange, the way they're dressed in their own household and the way the person only comes out to do the laudry otherwise they'll never out of that house, doesn't that make a person go crazy? Surely you would like to explore the new neighbourhood you have arrived in right however all he could see was that they were trapping themselves in their own house.

Thinking too much into his own thoughts, he didn't realise that they had already reached over to the gates of the next household with his mother calling out as she knocked on the door. Within moments, the right side of the gate slightly, very slightly, opened with a man showing half of his face looking quite sternly at the two as if Jimin and his mother's presence was not wanted.

''What do you want?'' He angrily asked.

''We are from the next door and we wanted to welome you---'' Before Jimin's mother could even finish her sentence, the door was slammed in front of their faces.

''How dare you?!'' Jimin angrily kicked the door at the disrespect his mother and he just faced. ''Come out here, you bastard!''

''Ah leave it Jimin, don't worry too much about it.'' His mother was hurt but brushed it off as if it meant nothing. ''Maybe they aren't the friendly type.''

''Even if they weren't then they could have thanked us for welcoming them!?'' Jimin was outraged.

''Never mind, it's okay it's okay.'' His mother pulled him along as they went back to their house.

In a dream where nothing worked out for me

Jimin never forgot about the embarrassing incident he and his mother had faced. Whether you call it childishness or vengeful, he wanted to do something about what he and his mother had faced. For him, no one had the right to do anything like that to his mother, not even his father, as his mother was the most important person in his life. Looking outside, he saw that the man had gone outside, assuming that it was for work reasons plus Jimin was home alone in his house, which made him smirk as it was the perfect time to do the crime. He went over to his backyard and grabbed a couple of stones, throwing them into the air before grabbing it back in his hand. Feeling quite malicious, he smirked wider once again before he threw a stone with his full strength over the fence, which was the barrier over the two houses, and waited little amount of seconds before he heard sounds of glass breaking, causing him to be satisfied with what he did. He proceeded to do it over and over again until his heart was content with the damge he done but then he heard a high-pitched shriek before a loud thump sound.

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