Vampire Hunters and Roleplaying

Start from the beginning

"I dig your decorating style, Ethan," Doug said when he noticed Ethan's posters hanging on his wall. Benny started pinching himself.

"He's here. It's real. This is a thing that's happening." Ethan whispered to him. You gently took Benny's hands and held them with your own to give him something else to do with his hands that didn't involve hurting himself.

"Dude this is off several hooks." Rory started floating off the ground. Quickly you scampered over to him and with Ethan's help, managed to pull him back down to the ground before Doug noticed. You didn't see the slight disappointment that crossed Benny's face when you let go of his hands.

"I don't believe what I'm seeing." Doug chimed. You looked over at him, panic rushing through your veins. "There's an action figure of me?" You sighed in relief. Ethan explained how he made the action figure and the panic returned. Ethan pulled you into a huddle.

"Guys listen. I know this is the most awesome thing to happen ever, but it is also a complete disaster." You nodded your head, agreeing with him.

"What? Bunk!" Benny protested. "You couldn't name five reasons why." 

Doug hunts paranormal stuff." Ethan raised one finger. "Erica's a vampire." He raised another. "Rory's a vampire. Sarah's a vampire." Two more fingers were raised. "And you're an idiot." Last finger. Benny pouted.

"Five. You got lucky." Benny huffed.

"Or he just got smart." You retorted. Benny slightly glared at you.

"You have to stay away from Doug. It's too risky." Ethan explained to Rory. Meanwhile, you were mentally stealing yourself for any possible task that you were going to be put on.

"Are you kidding me, dude?" Rory quipped. "I was a geek before I became Lord of the Night. No way am I passing up the chance to become his assistant."

"Usually the girls buy the calendars." Doug was slightly confused.

"Oh, uh, my sister got that for me." When Doug had turned around Ethan sighed. "Okay, fine. We've got to hang out with Doug, but no matter what, we keep him away from Sarah."

"Awww." You booped Ethan's nose. "Someone likes a girl."

"Do not!" Ethan protested. Benny and Rory just laughed at him.

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"Rule Number One: Scares don't find themselves. But you can bring them to you if you have the right bait: aloe, musk, saffron, pepper- a recipe for wicked ghost action!" Doug (aggressively?) taught the chemistry class. Ethan had recently transferred into your class claiming he was, done, with p.e. None of you really minded.

"You should spike it with vervain Doug!" Benny cheered pulling out a bag. "It also makes for a sweet vampire repellant." Rory fell out of his chair. You helped him up and promptly smacked the back of Benny's head. He hissed but laughed with the rest of the class.

"Hey, Rory," Ethan came up behind him, "I bet Doug could really go for a latte. It's the thing a great assistant would do."

"What's a latte?" Rory asked him. You poked Benny's shoulder. 

"Guess, I'm on Rory duty. See ya later." He nodded his head and turned his attention back to Doug.

"I don't know. But I think a place on the other side of town has one." Ethan finished as you grabbed your bag.

"Sweet! I'll find one! Thanks, dude!" Rory grabbed his books and rushed out. You followed him.

"Wait, Rory! I'll come too!" Rory wasted no time in picking you up and taking off for the other side of town. The wind whipped past you and you had to huddle as close to Rory as possible to avoid being scratched, because, hello, you're not quite immortal.

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