Chapter 15-Tough

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Chapter 15


I headed out of the kitchen before reminding Carl of why I was here: him. He invited me here. I don't know why, and I don't care what the reason is. All I know is that he isn't going to blame anything on me.

I headed to the kitchen, seeing Carl's dad directing everyone. He was saying something about a drugstore down the street.


Carl walked in as his dad was explaining to the group a plan that he had. Apparently we were going to raid a drug store that was just around the corner. Carl's hands hung down next to his holster, of his knife and gun.

"I found a drugstore down the street. We are goi-"

"I know that."

Carl interrupted.

"I mean, when did you go?"

His dad swallowed.

"Last night..."

I knew that they must have had a deep conversation in the yard. Carl looked at him with a sense of guiltiness-towards his dad.

"So you just left? Did you even think of the group? Judith? Me..."

His dad said nothing, then muttered something.

"Let's go."

I don't think it was the response Carl wanted to hear, but it was something.


It took us only 30 minutes to walk down the long, narrow road, reaching the drugstore as the sky turned afternoon. Bright purple and pink scattered around and hid behind the clouds. A colorful distraction in the sky, artwork that pleased but hid the true story.

Another way for you to hide...


Carl's dad said to the dark skinned woman. I now know three of the group's names-two of them being a sad way of how I found out.

"I think there might be a door around back, go check if it's open."

Michonne went around the store, holding her katana close. Carl's dad tried looking through the glass, only to see nothing but the darkness that was nothing.


Four names.

"I think Judith here is getting a bit tiered-"

"Maggie, I'll take her."

Judith yawned at the thought of wanting to rest her head down, and Carl took her from the short-haired woman's arms, glancing at Rick. Michonne came around from the corner just after.

"There's a backdoor, but why not just go here."

"Front door has alarms. I learned it from my training."

I took a step back, assuming he was probably a cop.

He couldn't do anything to me. He didn't do anything to Toughie over there. I'm just a kid.

I looked over to the man with dark brown hair. The one who seemed to be a better father to Judith than Rick was. His hair was greasy, shifting in curves that outlined his cheeks. His jean jacket had blood and dirt smeared all over.

Toughie was older than me. I'm only 13-almost 14. I still remember my birthday. I still remember little things, even though I had to be tough.

Maybe I should leave this guys name out of my head.


Toughie spoke.

"We should go through the back then, just in case."

They all began walking and Carl was the last to enter. I stood in the same spot, and he didn't even look back. I felt bad, yet I got what I wanted, I got nothing.

Maybe tough isn't so bad.



Yes, this may seem like another one of those typical fill-in chapters, but it's not. Joslyn and Daryl(Toughie :) have a lot in common and this chapter is important that will start a great friendship. I'm so excited to create another side of Daryl! Almost as a father


Omg!!! 1.8k!! Ilyasfm



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