Chapter 12

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Ashanté awoke the next morning to the sound of Tiffany retching in the bathroom.

She looked over at the clock. Dayam! Late for class.  Jumping out of bed, she grabbed some clothes and dressed like quick-fire.

Tiffany slogged out of the bathroom looking like... well, like a college student who'd spent the night drinking in a country western bar.

"Let's never do that again," she said, wiping her mouth. "Not until next weekend, anyhow."

Tiffany and Keiko gathered their books, waved to Ashanté, then headed to class. Waving back, she rushed to the bathroom.

Omigod, I look like death on a graham cracker.

After combing out her hair she hotfooted it to class, arriving late, but not outrageously so.

All the fault of those stupid mojitos. I never want to drink again. Ever. Argh.

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