"It's seven fifteen already. You're the only one who still on bed." Then, Zander walked to his suite side to get ready. Before his back fully disappeared, he turned his head back to see Carlisle as he did not heard any movement. Seeing Carlisle tried to pull his comforter up, he clicked his tongue and spoke a bit louder, "Hurry up Carlisle. You have ten minutes to get ready before the boys thinks it's a good ideas to go and have a breakfast in diapers." Zander stop talking, Carlisle stay silent on bed. "Oh look! They're eyeing their overall button. Boys stop!" Zander shouted suddenly.

Surprised with the shouted, Carlisle woke up hastily, "I'm ready, I'm ready!" He said incoherently, struggled to open his eyes. Scrambled from his bed to the bathroom to do his morning routine. On the way there he spotted Noël and Noah sat on the floor playing with their blocks. Silently, in a lot of focus twenty-one months old could mustered in their short span attention.


Carlisle's blinked.

He kept blinking few more times to process the situation with his half awake mind until something clicked in. Gritted his tooth, he ran to Zander suite side, "Zander, you liar-". He shouted but opted to abort his fury. Quickly, Carlisle turned his body before finished his words and ran inside the bathroom, shut the door with quite an impressive thudded.

Zander at the same time just finished wearing his boxer briefs, chuckled in amusement from Carlisle antic. Afterward, he settled his routine quickly before sat with twins on the floor, waited for Carlisle to be ready.

As soon as he'd ready, Carlisle went to them and picked both the twins without gave a glanced to Zander. He still had a tiny little bit shard of an embarrassment from his early stunt.

As soon as he tried to stand up, lo and behold, his legs quite buckled from the newfound twin's weight. 'I wonder, do they overgrowth in one night?', he thought. Glanced his eyes at the side, he saw Zander currently occupied himself with his phone. Released a breathe, slowly he put both down, hopefully, without Zander noticed it.

"Just let them walk to the lift."

Startled, Carlisle whipped his head towards Zander on his side. Lifted his eyes from the phone while smiled smugly, Zander asked, "What with the face? You're blushing?"

"Aaa..nothin'. We're going now?"

"Nope. We're going tomorrow." Zander tugged his lip sideway. His eyes straight, looked at Carlisle's face, abandoned the blinking phone on his hand.

"Oh. Yeah." Carlisle blushed profusely, he grabbed Noël and Noah hand quickly. "Let's go." He said to the twins, ignoring Zander who's still smirking like an idiot at the back.

The walk to buffet hall, thankfully went smoothly. Both twins were generous enough to let their hand been hold by Carlisle along the walk and opted to not wondering sideway. Opposite to previous situation, as soon as they step inside the hall, chaos tried to knock the door. Though, it's a total heaven for Noël and Noah.

In those -Hogwarts dinner- hall like, both twins started to roam the rows of table holding various type of foods with Carlisle and Zander behind them. In their unbalanced legs, they walked the rows like their current height was enough to assess the food on the tables. The situation worsened after a couple walked inside the hall with a set of toddler. Like something clicked on the minds on the moment their eyes meet, both parties approached each other.

Noah ran, Noël hot on his trail while Carlisle strutted his step quicker to follow both twins. Noah then stopped abruptly before any collision happened, He eyeing the girl in front of him. Actually, more like scanning themselves as the same thing been did by the opposite toddler. For the other toddler behind the girl, a boy to be precise, stood silently with a thumb inside his mouth. To Carlisle amusement, the same thing occurred on the twins side with Noël standing behind Noah like right-hand man, instead of thumb he hugged the bunny, eyes widened accessing the scene in front of him.

A minute later, they were giggling like something funny been uttered, though only gibberish that Carlisle heard. Nervous for the situation turned to frantic, Carlisle gave his outmost attention to the twins. And true to his instinct but he blamed for his slow action, the four toddlers began to ran while shrieking in excitement before he do anything.

"Zan-" Carlisle almost shouted, asking for backup from Zander. Luckily to him, Zander saw the twins that currently running with other two toddler and intertwined before it's turned more chaotic. Carlisle jogged to them then helped Zander by scooping Noël to his arms while Noah in Zander arms. The same thing occurred with the set of toddlers as both their parents successfully caught them before they bumped with a table.

Exchanging the smiles, Carlisle greeted, "Good morning." He also nodded towards the two other toddler's parents as an act of courtesy.

"Morning to you to. What an active morning for us right?" The smaller man of two said.

"Indeed." Carlisle's smiled for the words, adjusting Noel that tried to reach the other boy from the spoken man.

"Your twins are so cute. You're lucky to have two in one go." The man joked while released his son grabbing hand from Noël's bunny.


"Indeed we are." Zander cut Carlisle words, his head duck a bit to look a Carlisle, eyebrows knitted while acted the chuckles. Carlisle looked at him in confusion. He tried to asked him but opted to not doing so in front of strangers. Zander exchanged a few more sentences with the man before excused themselves to enjoy their former intention, to eat a breakfast.

"Let's go." Zander ushered Carlisle with a tapped on his small back. He then walked with Carlisle at his side before took an unoccupied table. "I'll go to choose the food first."

"Sure." Carlisle nodded while on the same time strapping Noël on baby chair. Then, after Zander returned, he went to choose the twins and his food.

The breakfast went smoothly. Both twins looked starving enough to eat their food without much fused.

"Want to go to see the set?". Zander asked suddenly, disrupted the tranquility in the air.

Spiral Fateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें