Chapter 12: Granting a wish

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Tuesday, 5th of September

"Miss Faye?" a voice woke me up, "Miss Faye, you need to get up to take your medication."

I opened my eyes and realized that I was lying on my front. I turned my head sideways and saw the nurse, Angela, standing at the end of the bed. I looked around and realized that I was back in the room I had been sleeping in for the past few nights, but Alma was nowhere to be found.

"You need to keep lying on your front for the next few hours," spoke the nurse before realizing that I was looking for Alma, so she then added, "Miss White will get here around noon, your parents took her home to keep her company while you were under surgery."

Knowing that Alma was with my parents and didn't just wait all alone for me to wake up once again made me calm down until I realized that Angela said "medication" and got scared. I hated swallowing pills, even tiny ones. Almost choking on one had traumatized me as a kid.

"The surgery went well, and without any complications, so your nerves should start to regenerate soon. We can't estimate how long it will take for the healing start, but once it does, you will have to take medication. We will tell you the details later today, for now, you just need to take this," she instructed.

She placed a small plate on the bedside table, which apparently was adjustable in height. She lowered the table so that I could reach it while lying on my front. When it was low enough, I got to see what was laying on the small plate. My fear became true; on the plate was lying a pill. But not just any pill, this was the biggest one I had ever seen. There was no way I could swallow that.

"I... I can't..." I told her. She looked bewildered before replying, "No worries, you can lift your upper body a bit for that."

She got the wrong idea, so I cleared things up, "No... I can't... swallow pills..."

"Oh, I see..." Angela looked surprised, and after a bit of thinking continued, "well I can give you an injection instead if that helps."

I nodded and heard the nurse leave the room, taking the plate with her. She came back shortly after with a syringe in her hand.

She partly took off the blanket that was covering me, so that my upper arms were visible. Now that the blanket wasn't covering my back anymore, I realized that I was wearing neither a shirt nor a bra. I remembered that I had to take those off for the surgery.

While I could feel the heat rush to my face from the embarrassment of lying here half naked, the nurse started rubbing my upper right arm with a wet piece of cloth. This was the standard procedure when getting injections and I always wondered what kind of liquid they put on before giving you the shot.

I could feel the small stingy sensation of the needle entering my skin before Angela put on a sticking plaster. I looked down at my arm and saw a little pink plaster with violet flowers print on it. I looked at her, and my facial expression must have told her that I wasn't exactly happy with this childish plaster.

"Not satisfied? I also have a plaster with a Pokémon print on it, would you prefer that on?" Angela asked sarcastically. It was apparent that this was her way of joking and honestly, I didn't mind. Everyone needs to find a way to make their job more fun.

"Actually... yes, I would," I answered sincerely. Then she took out another pack of plasters, chose one of them and placed it on my arm. She simply stuck it diagonally over the first one, so now I had a cross made of two childish plasters on my arm.

"Better now?" joked Angela while smirking. She was definitely enjoying herself. I let my head drop face-first into the pillow in front of me but had a smile on my lips. Although her stupid jokes were slightly annoying, she was doing her job right. Improving the mood of the patients like this is important, it made me feel a lot better already.

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