Chapter 11

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"Gideon,  you thought,  I left because you weren't there,  that was apart of the reason"  I looked up to see his expression,  he was listening attentively.
" We were going through a lot because I pushed you away,  but here's why,  a month before that , when we went  to Mexico,  and we were on the beach,  and you made love to me,  it was amazing,  so in Mexico,  my phone broke..  And I missed my birth control,  you remember that,  anyway when we got back I got the other pills and everything  was fine,  a week after that I got really sick, you were on a business trip in Seattle when I found out,  Gideon I was pregnant,  2 weeks pregnant,  I tried telling you but you were never home,  then one day I saw pictures of you and Corinne online at lunch and you were spending more time with your ex than me,  that's when I made the decision to go back home and I did,  when I came back to get my stuff,  she was at your place and it killed me,  a week after that,  I came back,  and went for a check up.  I was a month along in my pregnancy and you still hadn't known,  I remember that night I made dinner and you called to tell me you couldn't come,  from that night I cried myself to sleep,  one morning I woke in excruciating pain,  I went to the bathroom  and saw the blood,  I called Taylor and he took me to the hospital,  Christian's mom came to my rescue,  I had the surgery to clean out my uterus,  and you never knew,  nor did you notice,  that's when I left. "
I looked up to gauge his reaction,  and low and behold the great Gideon Cross was in tears,  I felt something wet on my cheeks and reslised I too, was in tears too. I stood up to leave and he grabbed my wrist,  " No,  not again" he said.  I decided against leaving for  now.  We went back to his place,  we travelled in uncomfortable silence,  I cried the whole way,  Gideon  and I never looked at each other the whole way home and I knew this was hard for him to deal with. I  checked my phone and I noticed it was 06:00am. When we arrived we went through the back,  I kept my distance from Gideon, as had he.  Taylor and Ross surrounded me and we got to Gideon's elevator,  he put the key in and waited for me to get in.  I just couldn't though,  I asked Ross  to take the stairs with me,  I walked up and Gideon was already there,  he had a glass of whiskey, neat,  in his hand,  I ignored him and went to my room , I locked my door and cried myself to sleep, praying that this was all just a bad dream that I can wake up from.  I drifted off to sleep at last.

Love And Hate A Gideon Cross Love Story Where stories live. Discover now