She said Yes!

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It was Christmas day when Violet got a call from Lucca, that they planned all month to do on Christmas day. Lucca and Violet planned that she goes over to his house so they could give each other their Christmas gifts to each other, and watch Christmas movies. Violet got her go to cute maroon sweater and a black scarf and jeans and her boots on, and her curled hair. Then she drove to Lucca's house. When Violet got there Lucca ran out of his house to greet her. They hugged real tight and kissed. They opened gifts and then they watched Christmas movies by the fireplace and drinking hot chocolate while cuddling. Violet loved just being in Lucca's arms it made her warm and cozy. While Vilolet and Lucca cuddled, she fell asleep in his arms. Lucca wanted to surprise Violet with her favorite dinner, spaghetti. Lucca went back into the living room after he was done making dinner and he saw his precious Violet asleep bundled up. He couldn't help but admire her and just stared at her. He woke her up by kissing her on the forehead and then he told her dinners ready. But Lucca said he forgot one gift. He gave her the little box that was wrapped cute. She unwrapped it and then she opened the box, it was a ring! Lucca grabbed the box, went down on one knee and said, "Violet Grace Romano, will you marry me?" Violet started to cry happily and she said yes quickly. They hugged and kissed and they talked about it while they ate dinner. After dinner, they watched more Christmas movies and they fell asleep on the couch together, then Violet went home that night.

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