"My parents are also an otaku so yeah," he shrugged.

"Wow," I said with astonishment. " I guess you're the lucky one. Your parents seem interesting."

"Well yeah," he said as he started concentrating on folding the dough into thin pieces.

"Wow you really got amazing hands there. Seriously, I never thought I'd be able to see it live. I only watched it on Yakitate Japan before. Hands down! You're so amazing," I said full of astonishment.

"Sad to say, but I think you are overestimating me," he said.

"Really? I don't think so though." I paused for awhile. "So what do you have? Solar hands? Solar gauntlet? Which is it?" I asked, full of excitement and curiosity.

"Solar gauntlet," he answered.

"Wow! So did you have a hard training at the swimming pool too in order to build your muscles?" I asked as excitement and curiosity grew large inside of me.

"By the way, I think you completely forgot about the chocolate," he said with a worried look.

"Oh my goodness!" I blurted out as I realized that I completely forgot about checking the chocolate's temperature. I turned around to taste it and yeah as expected it sucked. Depression washed over me. Chocolates are highly sensitive. It only needs one mistake and the taste will immediately turn bad like if the temperature goes beyond 60°C and if you let the vaporized water get into the melted chocolate. They said that even just a small drop of water can already greatly affect the taste of the chocolate.

"We got plenty of time to talk later. Just focus on making it now," he said with a warm smile as he patted my shoulder.

I smiled back at him. Then nodded, "Yeah."

I began to melt the chocolate again then, I began the tempering afterwards. My tempering skills is not that good yet but I practiced everyday day and night ever since I started working here last year.

After almost an hour, I was finally able to finish making my Sachertorte. I let him taste the spare Sachertorte as he also let me taste his 649-layered croissant. We totally loved each others finished product thus, we decided to teach each other and master each other's techniques.

Eight months passed. We spent the eight months together just like that, teaching each other, helping each other, discovering new flavors together, and of course getting to know each other more and more. In short, we totally love each other's company and all I can do is to wish that time would stop and we can continue this happy daily lifestyle, but I know that it will just never be like that. And with that, I remembered the miserable reality that I am getting married in four months when I turn 26.

"Hey. Are you okay? You look so gloomy," Usui asked with a worried voice.

"Yeah," I said as I sighed.

"Do you know what will the sudden announcement be all about? I really wonder about it," he said while looking at the kitchen's door to see the manager arrive.

"Yeah. Probably." I sighed again.

"Starting tomorrow we have to double our work because tomorrow is the start of the peak season and Ms. Erzella will have a frequent absence up to the end of the year to prepare for her upcoming wedding," the manager said.

"Wait. Are you the one they are talking about? The daughter of the owner of this company who is getting married to the heir of La Briciola?" he asked with shock faint in his voice.

"Yeah," I muttered as I gave him a sly smile. "You are truly a newbie you know. I think you're the only one here who doesn't know that," I said as I chuckled a little.

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