Naruto is a girl part 12

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'Sasuke  was very shock when he found out Naruto was a girl and not a boy' .   'sakura was completely shock  about Naruto' . Sakura  thought  that bitch better not  steal my Sasuke or she will pay for it '.  'Kakashi  was shock  to found out Naruto was a girl  and wonder  why she  Pretend  to be a boy' .  Natsume was waiting for there  respond.  Natsume said are you guys okay that I'm a girl and not a boy... please guys don't hate me... natsume got scare and took off thinking  they hate her cause she was a girl...  natsume  went on    The Hokage   Mountain hiding  from her team scare if they hate her...  The person who found her was Sasuke... Sasuke  said  dobe  why did you took off... natsume respond was . Because I thought you guys might hate me because I lie to you guys... i figure  you guys don't want me around you guys... Sasuke said  that stupid I accept you  even if you are a girl  now sakura  might have a issue with it cause she has a crush on me.... Sasuke and natsume was laughing so hard.  'Natsume said  thanks  Sasuke...  Sasuke smirk got up and walked off. Natsume  roll her eyes  and left heading home to sleep.....

Sorry I haven't update in a while  I been busy lately  I hope you like my story  please comment and vote  my story  thanks until  next time.

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