hello again

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I sat in the principals office, I was having a little chat with Mr. nezu.  " so yumi, are you going back to being a pro hero?" Mr. nezu asked. I looked at him " I dont know, I miss being a hero. But I'm afraid something like 5 years ago will happen again. My family is hunting me down, they will stop at nothing to get ahold of me. Thats one of the reasons why I freaked out so bad on shota, about quitting the hero business. I never gave him an answer to why I wanted to quit. " " hm so you basically went into hiding" " yes, after killing my sister, my family is out for revenge. Which I don't blame them, but they wont kill me. They will try to use my quirk for themselves. " " I see, how about being a teacher here at the school? That way you will always be surrounded by a hero. " I looked down at the floor, 'could I really come back like nothing happened. How would shota react to that new? ' " I got a better idea, could I be with recovery girl? I could use my quirk to copy her's, so that way its not just her stuck healing everyone. " Mr. nezu looked at me " sure, that sounds like a good idea". I got up and bowed and left. As I was walking out, I bumped into someone. I fell on the floor. I looked up to see shota. He still had bandages wrapped around his face. My eyes widen " um hello " I said staring at the ground. " hello" he said in his lazy voice. He walked right around and went into the principals office. I sighed, yup I knew thats how he would of reacted. He still hasn't changed. I got up and started to walk down the hallway. 

It was lunch time, I sat in the teachers break room. I pulled out my phone, I had a missed called but they left a voice mail. I clicked on the voice mail and listened to it " hello my dear little sister, This is your older brother. We so would love to see you again. We found out where you live. So don't try to run away again.  Mom and dad is excited to see you. Though to bad big sis akira isn't here to greet you. But don't worry, I'll greet you for her. See you when you get of of U.A, bye baby sis yumi" My eyes widen, I brought my hand to my mouth " how the fuck did they find me." damnit, it was probably because I helped All Might out the other day with those villains. I literally sat there staring at my phone in fear. All of a sudden it was pulled out of my hands, I looked up to see All might " hey yumi, are you all right" I straighten up " yeah dont worry All might" he looked at me " are you sure, that look was the same look from 5 years ago. "  " Toshinori, I'm fine. Please just leave me alone for right now" He put my phone down, he walked away, But he stopped and looked at me again before walking away again. The best move was probably not to go home. But where would I go? How did they get my phone number? So many questions rang through my head. I knew it was only a matter of time, They couldn't find me for 5 years, now coming back here. Im back in the spot light. They will push me to my breaking point, They will break me, break my will. My parents are just some normal villains, they are S class villains. I got up, I walked out of the break room. I might just have to stay at the school tonight. 

I stayed over night at the school, I slept in the break room. I felt someone shake me, I opened my eyes to see All might and shota. Shota stood behind All might , He didn't look to happy to be around me. " yumi why did you sleep here?" All might asked. " Sorry, I was doing some late night research and happened to look at the time and it was super late. So figured it would be better to just sleep here instead of trying to walk home late at night" All might smile " still the same old, aren't you. " I reached for my phone to see 22 missed calls, 4 voice messages. All from the number that my brother called me from yesterday on. I sighed, There was no way I wanted to hear them. " so yumi, are you going to be a teacher here?" All might asked me " no, I'll be helping recovery girl. " " oh I see, you can copy her quirk. Well that will help her out" I looked up and saw shota staring at me. When he noticed our eyes met, he looked away. I pushed a strand of my long red hair behind my ear. The last time he saw me, my hair was cut to my chin. Now it runs down my back to the middle of my butt in waves. When me and shota were together, he used to tell me that he loved my piercing bright blue eyes. I guess I look different from 5 years ago. Shota left the room after me staring at him, I was lost in train of thought. After shota left, All might turned to me " hes been a little moody lately" I laughed " its probably because of me." My phone ranged , I looked down. " don't mind me, answer it" All might said. " no, i'm good. " " yumi, go ahead. It might be something important if they are calling you this early in the morning." I looked down, I answered it. I knew i'd regret it. " hello dear lil sis " hello genta" I gulped. " so you didn't come home last night, such a pity. I was really looking forward to it. " " sure you were, what do you want?" He laughed " you should know, if you dont want anyone hurt. I suggest you meet me. " My heart beat picked up, I looked down to the floor. I almost forgot All might was still in the room with me. I looked at him, I probably shouldn't of. My face had complete terror on it. All might's face turned into worry. " please genta stop, If I met you, that basically means I forfeit my life. " " yes but think about the people you save" I took a deep breath in and let it out. I cant let him control my fear, I have to try to put a stop to this. "people I save?" Please genta, I'm not stupid. You will use my quirk to your advantage. I do realize how many people you plan to kill once you have it in your hands. So no I wont meet you. If I got to disappear again, I will. I will make it so no one can find me. Better yet, I can also end my life so you will never get a hold of this power. " " wow, big statement from my baby sis. I thought you had fear driven into you. But I guess you do take after mom and dad. I will get ahold of you one way or another. Good bye for now yumi" He hung up. I dropped the phone, shaking. " what was that about?" All might asked. A tear slid down my face " I'm sorry, I haven't been honest. The reason I didn't go home last night was because of him. The whole reason why I left 5 years ago was because my family was hunting me down. Thats why I wanted me and shota to stop being heroes. I wanted us to be out of the spot light so my family wouldn't find us. But after helping you out the other day, they found me. I can't go home. Theres no way, my brother would take me in a heart beat. His quirk is where he can control time to a certain point. He would make my body stop moving and take me from there. I don't really know what to do. I need help. If they break me, I will be a empty shell and become a villain."

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